Research Database

Building up organic material circulation system among urban and rural area: Toward the integration of local perception and scientific knowledge

Last Updated :2024/04/25

Basic Information

Basic information

Project StatusPre-Research (PR)
Duration Apr. 2022 - Mar. 2029
Research ProgramResearch Program Global Environmental Culture
Project No.14210162
Project TitleBuilding up organic material circulation system among urban and rural area: Toward the integration of local perception and scientific knowledge
Abbreviated TitleOrganic Material Circulation Project
Project LeaderOYAMA Shuichi
Keywordsmaterial cycle, solid waste system, livelihood system, agricultural use, greening, water and sanitation, land restoration
  • Progress and Results (2023 Year)


    Research purpose and content

    Executive summary 

    1)  Objectives and background


    The objective of this research project is to establish a biomass circulation system between urban and rural areas on the earth by returning organic waste and its nutrients accumulated in urban areas to rural areas and linking them to the restoration of livelihood infrastructure, especially agriculture and pastoralism, and the rehabilitation of degraded land. In ecology, biomass usually refers to the weight of plants and animals. These biomass resources are used for food, clothing, fuel, and building materials, and after resources are discharged in the form of food waste, human waste, sewage sludge, and wood waste.


    The global societies are seeking to decarbonize their economies to zero emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases and transition to a carbon-neutral society. However, this is not an easy task due to the confused priorities of issues such as food insecurity, poverty alleviation, resource exploitation, and economic growth in different countries and regions. In this research plan, based on the current economic and social systems in Japan, Southeast Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa, we believe that a transition to a carbon neutral society requires a shift away from combustion, and we will promote a shift from waste incineration to treatment processes that use decomposition, and will promote the use of biomass resources to restore degraded land and livelihood infrastructure for maintaining agricultural productivity. We will contribute to the promotion of biomass resource use for the restoration of the degraded lands and livelihood infrastructure for the maintenance of agricultural productivity.The project aims to create new values for the usefulness of organic waste and create a sustainable society by investigating the economic situation, food production, local perception of organic waste use and its actual use in each region, and by scientifically examining them from the perspectives of environmental and ecological sustainability, economic sustainability, and health and sanitation sustainability, in order to establish a biomass recycling system in urban and rural areas.


    2)    How does the research contribute to the solution of the global environmental problems?


    The global population is expected to grow to over 10 billion by 2050, and humans will have to survive on limited soil resource. There are fears that food production will not be able to keep up with demand, partly due to overuse of the land by agriculture and pastoralism, and partly due to soil erosion (FAO 2019). The food that humankind consumes needs to be clean, and the organic waste and manure that we throw away is abhorred by its filth. Sadly, the dogma of hygiene that humanity has developed based on science has prevented it from successfully positioning itself within the global system. In order for urban-based civilization to achieve sustainability in the future, it is necessary to accept human nature, which produces filth from cleanliness, to understand the importance of the material cycle and the rebirth of life, which produces cleanliness from filth, and to shift our thinking and values to position our existence in the earth system, which is separate from the earth system. A shift in thinking and values is necessary.


    In Japan, Southeast Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa, we will combine the multi-layered scales of agroecosystems in farming systems in each region, and national, regional, and global material cycles, and work to build a biomass cycle between urban and rural areas through the valorization of organic waste and the transformation of our consciousness. We will contribute to the transformation and sustainability of modern society.


    3)    Methodology, structure and schedule


    In this research project, Japan, Southeast Asia (Laos and Malaysia), and Sub-Saharan Africa (Niger, Zambia, and Ghana) are the main targets. When considering the current status of material circulation of biomass and the construction of a circulation system, it is necessary to integrate the following levels: (1) households and rural cultivated lands as the unit of production, (2) regions (municipalities) as the unit of cities and watersheds, (3) nations as the unit of import and export, and (4) the global, and to consider regional and period We aim to create a sustainable society by using the concept of rescaling to change the regional scale in conjunction with the political and economic systems of the region and the times. The research topics are: (1) analysis of the current status of material circulation of biomass resources in arable land, farming villages, regions, and the world; (2) clarification of the decomposition mechanism of organic waste and verification of its safety; and (3) creation of new values toward the construction of biomass circulation. Rather than organizing independent research groups for Japan, Southeast Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa, we will not establish research groups in order to analyze the material circulation linking rural and urban areas in order to verify the material circulation from production, consumption, and disposal in rural and urban areas. The material circulation required in each region differs according to the economic and social conditions of the city, and we will work together to build a material circulation system that will serve as a good practice from both regional and global perspectives.


    1] Analysis of Current Status on Material Circulation of Biomass Resources


    1-1 Material Circulation in Agroecosystems


    This project aims to clarify agricultural patterns, arable ecosystems, and the distribution of agricultural products between urban and rural areas in three regions. The main subjects will be paddy rice cultivation and livestock production in Japan, paddy rice cultivation and forest production/forestry in Southeast Asia, and slash-and-burn and agro-pastoral complex in Africa. The project will also investigate the consumption patterns of farmers, as well as the regional and global distribution systems of agricultural products and the volume of agricultural products in circulation, using statistical data and other methods. We will also focus on fertilizer application techniques in rural areas, analyzing the actual use of materials such as chemical fertilizers, livestock manure, and compost. We will clarify the awareness and values of organic waste, and examine breakthroughs to promote the recycling of biomass resources.


    1-2 Urban waste treatment and biomass resource accumulation


    Waste emissions, treatment, and hygine will be investigated in cities in three regions. The study will examine the types and weights of household wastes, their collection and treatment methods, and the types and weights of waste materials in households, divided into human waste, sewage, and other waste materials. In Japan, we will focus on disposals and sewage treatment issues in the urban centers of Kyoto, as well as on the treatment of food waste and sewage sludge, and identify treatment processes centered on decomposition and issues for agricultural use. In Southeast Asia and Africa, garbage separation is not practiced to a great extent, and open dumping - landfilling of garbage by piling in the open - is the mainstream. The project will examine issues and measures for the agricultural use of organic wastes such as household and sewage sludge and the restoration of livelihood infrastructure.


    1-3 Material Circulation around Import/Export of Agricultural Products (Calculation of Virtual Nutrition)


    The Virtual Nutrition Map (VNP) will be created for 196 countries around the world using FAOSTAT (FAO's data on agricultural imports and exports) and other data compiled by the FAO. The VNP will create two types of maps: 1) how much nutrients (nitrogen, phosphate, potassium, etc.) do importing countries collect from all over the world and accumulate in their land, and 2) Two types of maps will be created to show how much nutrients are needed, assuming that importing countries produce agricultural products and timber, and the movement balance of nutrients for 196 countries in the world.


    2] Elucidation of Decomposition Mechanisms of Organic Wastes and Verification of Safety


    2-1 Analysis of greening and crop productivity by application of organic wastes


    Field experiments will be conducted in paddy rice and field crops in Japan, paddy rice and forestry production areas in Southeast Asia, and field crops in Africa to verify the effects of application of organic wastes such as household waste, woody waste, and sewage sludge on soil properties, crop yield, and environmental restoration in degraded land.


    2-2 Evaluation of decomposition mechanism of organic wastes


    In the field experiment of 2-1, we will examine the input of organic waste to arable soil, its decomposition process, and the mineralization process, which becomes a form that can be absorbed by plants, focusing on the physical, biological, and chemical properties of the soil as well as weather conditions. We will also measure the CO2 flux on the soil surface to determine the CO2 emission/sequestration effects of organic waste input and revegetation, as well as the carbon sequestration in the soil, to elucidate the effects of greenhouse gas control.


    2-3 Verification of Safety Regarding Agricultural Use of Organic Wastes


    The health risks associated with the agricultural use of organic wastes are being addressed by developing a simple inspection system using EDX (X-ray fluorescence spectrometer), removal and dilution techniques for hazardous substances, and the use of organic wastes in agricultural applications. The project aims to eliminate health risks and improve the acceptability of organic wastes for agricultural use by developing a simple inspection system using EDX (X-ray fluorescence analyzer) and technologies for removal and dilution of hazardous substances.


    3] Creation of New Values and Social Development Toward the Construction of a Biomass Recycling System


    We will conduct experiments on the restoration of degraded lands and the improvement of agricultural and pastoral livelihoods through the transfer of materials from urban to rural areas and the input of biomass resources, and create manuals on the improvement of agricultural production and the restoration of degraded lands using organic waste in accordance with the actual conditions of each region. Based on the results of our research and the consensus of local residents, we would like to propose the social conditions necessary for the construction of a biomass recycling system based on decomposition, a change in the awareness of local residents, and the creation of social infrastructure in order to change the values of organic waste as "dirty, dangerous, and harmful" and to promote its valorization.


    3-1 Development of Waterless Dry Composting Technology


    Establish a dry composting technology that can process kitchen garbage and return nutrients to the soil using materials available in the surrounding area and a simple method. Developing technology to promote quick decomposition without producing odors. With the cooperation of the Westin Hotel Kyoto, we are continuing to process organic waste and monitor nutrients and bacteria.


    3-2 Product Development of Compost Using Animal Dung Raised at Kyoto City Zoo


    This dry composting system can efficiently decompose organic waste by using animal dung, including chicken manure. We have received animal droppings from nine species kept at the Kyoto City Zoo, including Asian elephants, zebras, giraffes, tigers, chimpanzees, gorillas, and mandrills, and are observing how the animal droppings and organic waste are processed. In the future, they aim to develop a compost product using animal manure.


    3-3 Providing Integrated Study Classes at Elementary Schools in Kyoto Prefecture and Creating Class Manuals


      Based on an agreement between RIHN and the Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education, RIHN provides integrated learning (exploration) classes at elementary schools in Kyoto Prefecture.


    4)    Expected results


    The expected results of this research project are: (1) to visualize the fact that the existence of huge cities and the import/export of food are a major environmental burden to ecosystems and material cycles in various regions; (2) to show that the utilization of organic waste from urban areas can help to restore tropical forests, green devastated areas as a measure against desertification, and improve local agricultural production. (2) To show that the utilization of urban organic waste can be useful for the restoration of tropical forests, the greening of degraded lands to combat desertification, and the improvement and enhancement of agricultural production in local communities, and to promote the creation of guidelines and manuals and a shift in values; and (3) To review our lifestyle and promote the development of urban infrastructure (garbage collection and treatment, sewage treatment) based on the premise that organic waste can be used for agriculture and green space regeneration.


    5)    Project organization and membership


    At the time of the transition from FS to PR, there were 15 research participants, but after repeated planning and trial experiments with dry-compost, the number of participants has now increased to 18, with the addition of Miho Saito (Kyoto University), who specializes in giraffe ecology, Hiromi Yamanashi (Kyoto City Zoo), who specializes in improving wellness of animals kept in zoos, and Akiyo Shioya (Kyoto University), an anthropologist who focuses on rural Africa.


    Focusing on the material cycle between urban and rural areas is an unprecedented perspective on environmental issues such as desertification, destruction of tropical forests, and the emergence of degraded lands due to agriculture. In order to promote a common understanding among the members, we will not divide them into groups according to their expertise or region, but will try to ensure that the participants in the research have a common understanding of the current status of urban and rural areas in each region.




    Challenges and achievements for this year

    Project progress during the PR period

    1)  Project overall progress




    As this was the first year of the transition from FS to PR, we have started experiments, field research, and data collection while confirming the direction of research project.


    In April 2023, project leader, Oyama was invited to the Westin Miyako Hotel Kyoto in Keage, Higashiyama, Kyoto, to give a lecture at the 1669th regular meeting of the Kyoto Lions Club. In this lecture, I explained the purpose of this research project, which aims to promote greening using organic waste from Niamey, the capital of Niger, and to realize food production and peace in the region. I also talked about research purposes in Kyoto City with the implementation of the practical project in mind, and was able to network with the executive chef of the Westin Hotel in Kyoto, as well as with the landscape gardening industry, traditional Japanese restaurant, vinegar industry, and sake breweries in Kyoto city.


    In June 2023, Oyama began composting experiments on the balcony of his apartment in Kyoto City, and unexpectedly discovered that soil and rice bran alone generate heat and decompose organic matter without the use of water. Until now, there was a belief that water was necessary for the decomposition of organic matter by living organisms, but by intentionally causing drought and nitrogen starvation through microbial activity, methane generation and decomposition in an anaerobic environment can be avoided, and it is also clear that adding organic waste can quickly activate microbial activity and lead to rapid organic decomposition. Moreover, the addition of organic waste in the system stimulates microbial activity, resulting in the rapid decomposition of organic matter. Although unpublished, the fact that organic waste decomposition can be accelerated by intentionally creating drought and nitrogen starvation and using these conditions as a countermeasure is one of the directions for future technological development and this project. We are considering naming this method “dry composting”.


    On August 31, 2023, with the cooperation of the Westin Miyako Hotel Kyoto, we began dealing organic waste by dry composting method, receiving cooked food waste and unheated scrap food every Tuesday and Thursday. As of January 2024, we continue to process organic waste at the hotel parking site.


    Composting is the process of returning organic waste to the soil. In Japan, many people enjoy composting with weeds and kitchen waste. In urban areas, it is necessary to deal organic waste using simple methods that do not require large areas of land, large amounts of soil, or complex materials, and that avoid problems such as dirty water odors, small flies, and maggot infestations. By creating a drought condition of dry composting, these troubles can be avoided.


    By establishing this dry-composting method at this research project, we believe that we can create an opportunity for consumers to think about food loss and kitchen waste in our daily lives by processing organic waste with familiar materials and in an easy and enjoyable way. In collaboration with the Kyoto City Zoo, we have received animal waste and are working on making compost using animal waste. In Sub-Saharan African countries such as Zambia and Uganda, they are studying the possibility of social implementation (business) by obtaining animal waste from pig farming and using organic waste from restaurants and supermarkets to produce compost for improving the soil of degraded land.


    One of the challenges we are facing is the coup d'état and political instability in Republic of Niger, one of the main research countries. During our trip to Niger in May, the Minister of Environment visited our greening site, and we received praise and words of encouragement from the Minister. We waited for the rainy season and hoped that the greening would progress after June, but a coup d'etat occurred at the end of July, and five members of this project had to cancel our field activities in August. On November 15, JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) informed us that the Japanese government's Ministry of Foreign Affairs had decided to continue the ongoing project. Oyama built a greening site and put in urban waste under a JICA grassroots technical cooperation project, and was scheduled to observe the greening process in September. I gave instructions remotely and was able to obtain the necessary data, at a minimum, by our staff. With the withdrawal of the French ambassador and French troops from inside Niger, and the subsequent uncertainty regarding the response of neighboring countries and ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States), the future of the situation is unclear. Although there are interventions in the West African situation due to the policy of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we would like to consider resuming our research activities in Niger, taking advantage of the change in safety information.






    2)  Amendments to research objectives, methodology and organization as applicable




    Not particularly. However, with compost works every Tuesday and Thursday at the hotel in Kyoto City and integrated learning classes at two elementary schools in Kyoto Prefecture every Monday, It became extremely difficult for Oyama to work everything on my own under the cross-appointment system. He is barely continuing his research and outreach activities by conducting research in collaboration with Akiyo Shioya, who started works at Kyoto University, but the project needs to develop its research team by hiring a new researcher. Initially, the plan was to employ one researcher and one research associate, but considering that the Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education has requested classes at five elementary schools in Kyoto Prefecture for the next fiscal year (FY2024) and that we need to expand our overseas field research, we plan to employ three researchers along with a research associate, for the FR period starting next fiscal year.



    Self-diagnosis of research results in this year

    1)  Results achieved this year


    Composting is the process of making manure from household garbage, rice bran, chicken manure, etc. This is widely referred to as composting. Microorganisms are involved in the composting process, producing heat to promote fermentation and decompose organic matter. Water is usually added to the composting process, but this creates an anaerobic environment that causes decomposition, releases methane and foul odors, and often results in failure. In this research project, using familiar material, soil, rice bran and chicken manure, we do not add water, but generate filamentous fungi by administering fallen leaves, rice bran, and animal feces, and create nitrogen starvation over a week to induce active fermentation and rapid decomposition of organic waste under drought and nutrient starvation conditions. During operation, the temperature of the materials is monitored to determine the condition of the materials and when to put in the trash.


    Many of the currently popular food waste disposers rely on electricity or external energy to force-dry food waste. In this research project, we utilize a natural process to process food scraps by monitoring the temperature of the materials to determine the timing of feeding. This natural process is strongly related to the intestinal bacteria of thermostatic animals, and its basic temperature is between 35 and 37 °C, suggesting a relationship with the basal body temperature of thermostatic animals. Based on this idea, we received nine kinds of animal feces, including chicken and beef feces sold at home centers, and Asian elephants, giraffes, hippos, zebras, tigers, chimpanzees, gorillas, and sloths kept at the Kyoto City Zoo, to examine how hotels dispose of food waste (unheated and cooked food) and how to treat it. The project is trying to establish techniques and recipes to promote the disposal of food waste.


    Compost is created through digestion by thermostatic animals and fermentation (respiration) by microorganisms, but the methods and significance of composting vary from region to region. In Japan, emphasis is placed on the effective use of food residues, but in recent years, the fertilizing effect of composting has come to be strongly expected, partly due to the rising cost of chemical fertilizers. In the cities of Zambia and Uganda, instead of returning food waste directly to soil nutrients, pigs are being raised to produce pork, which is in high demand, and the pig manure can be used to improve the soil of the cultivated land. In Niamey, the capital of Niger, almost 80% of the total weight of the waste is sand and organic matter, and it is considered reasonable to put it directly into the degraded land for regreening the land. 


    The exciting part of this project is to devise a method of waste disposal according to the type of organic waste in each city, and to devise what to produce as a by-product along with compost. We would like to show that good practices from a local context, such as the eradication of hunger, food increase, the conflict prevention and the realization of peaceful societies. This can become good practices that solve global environmental issues.


    2)  Results can be evaluated as having overfulfilled


    The goal of this research project is to create a society that does not produce food waste by making good use of previously neglected organic waste. What enabled us to exceed our goals in the PR phase was networking among researchers in the project, between researchers and companies, the Kyoto City Zoo, the Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education, elementary schools, and children. I would like to explain three points here.


    The first point is the possibility of material cycle and environmental education in cooperation with zoos. Zoo animals feed according to their own dietary behavior. The Kyoto City Zoo has 108 species of animals, and they differ in the food they eat, such as herbivorous, carnivorous, and omnivorous. In response to Kyoto City's financial difficulties, the Kyoto City Zoo has called on citizens and industries to donate vegetables and fruits from Kyoto City and its surrounding areas. The zoo also plans to make effective use of animal feces, most of which is disposed of as industrial waste, as compost, and offer it to visitors as a subject for environmental education. Miho Saito, our collaborative researchers, has already given a lecture at the Kyoto City Zoo, and is planning to give a lecture as part of this project.


    The second is to create compost using organic waste from hotels in Kyoto City and animal feces from the Kyoto City Zoo, to clarify the mechanism of composting, and to establish techniques and recipes for temperature control. In addition, we are in the process of verifying the compatibility of animal feces with the garbage to be processed. For example, the feces of herbivorous and fruit-eating animals such as elephants, giraffes, and gorillas are good for processing vegetable waste such as vegetable scraps and fruits, the feces of tigers and leopards are excellent for processing proteins such as meat and fish, and the feces of omnivorous animals like chimpanzees are compatible with all types of waste. The working hypothesis is that there may be different types of litter that are compatible with the gut flora associated with food habits and preferences, such as omnivorous animals like chimpanzees, which are compatible with all types of food waste. This hypothesis is that the process of digestion by intestinal bacteria in the bodies of thermostatic animals may exist in the form of fermentation (decomposition) in the soil outside the bodies of these animals.


    We also plan to develop the product as the next step in the clarification of the decomposition (fermentation) process. These include "tomato manure made from hippopotamus dung," "soil conditioner made from elephant dung," "potato soil rehabilitation from giraffe dung," and "sunflower soil made from silver back gorilla dungs," that could be sold at souvenir shops in the Kyoto City Zoo and Botanical Gardens in Kyoto Prefecture.


    The third point is to outreach activities based on the research results to society by providing classes at elementary schools in Kyoto Prefecture based on this concept, technology, and recipes of “dry compositing”. For the disposal and effective utilization of food waste, it is necessary to expand the scope of processing operations to small grids, such as households and companies. In November 2023, two elementary schools in Ide Town, southern part of Kyoto Prefecture, we plan to make classes on food waste treatment and compost making in three fifth-grade classes as part of comprehensive learning. In the next academic year 2024, in consultation with the Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education, we plan to increase the number of schools offering the classes to five. The program hopes to foster the discovery of the process and mystery of how soil is created from food waste, the appeal of science, awareness of environmental issues, and a vision for building a future society. It has also been reported that mental illnesses are reduced when children touch and play with soil. We plan to conduct a questionnaire survey of elementary school students to find out what they think of the project, and use the results to develop future classes. The major achievement of this project is currently that the networking and inspiration allowed us to clearly identify the budding and potential of this project.


    3)    Points to be evaluated that the goals were not reached


    The technology and concept of “dry composting” has not been written up in any research papers at all, and has only been discussed with a small number of collaborative researchers. Many researchers in this project do not have a clear image of how the creation of material cycles between urban and rural areas will lead to the prevention of land degradation, ecological restoration of tropical forests, and restoration of productivity of cultivated land. The material cycle between urban and rural areas is more difficult than it sounds, and I believe that brainstorming sessions are further needed among the collaborative researchers to determine how to specifically link this to solutions to environmental problems.


    I would like to further deepen our common understanding by inviting our co-researchers to actively participate in the research review and debriefing sessions and EREC to listen to the presentations and have discussions.


    4)    Notable achievements and challenges as to contribution to the RIHN programs


    The Matsuda Program, "Towards a Global Environmental Culture by Articulating Science with Indigenous Knowledge," aims to introduce a cultural perspective into research that contributes to solving global environmental problems, and to examine the processes that lead to the transformation of people's behavior and values. In this project, in the research countries of Zambia, Niger, Ghana, Uganda, Malaysia, Laos, and Japan, we will focus on understanding how local people perceive and respond to the decline in agricultural production, the emergence and expansion of degraded land and tropical deforestation. Our major contribution is to specifically address local environmental issues by linking various industries, such as hotels, restaurants, breweries, landscaping, farmers, and pig farmers in the city. The efforts to address local environmental issues in this project can also have meaning from a global perspective, such as the restoration of degraded land and the ecological restoration of tropical forests, and will lead to changes in people's behavior and values in order to establish a material cycle between urban and rural areas. We will strive to make a significant impact not only on the academic world but also on society.




    Future tasks

    Research plan for next year

    The next academic year is the first year of our FR. We plan to focus on understanding the current situation, networking with local research institutions, government, and municipalities, and setting the experimental plots.


    The political situation in Republic of Niger has been unstable since the coup d'état took place, and Oyama is collecting security information and gather research data from local staff remotely. If the political situation improves and the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs' safety information improves to Level 2, I plan to travel there for a short period to check the security situation and exchange information with local counterparts.


    Harada, Hara, and Oyama are the main survey targets in Zambia. Harada will start a JICA/JST SATREPS project in the next academic year, which will be linked to this project. Harada is conducting research in Lusaka, the capital city, and in Mufumbwe District, North Western Province, and plans to observe experimental plots constructed in AY2023. Our counterparts are the Institute of Economic and Social Research and the Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences at the University of Zambia, which has an interdepartmental and inter-university academic exchange agreement with Kyoto University. Lusaka District commissioner promises to make corporation to our projects.


    In Uganda, Seera, Nakazawa, Suzuki, and Oyama are the main research subjects. We plan to construct an experimental site in Mukono District, a suburb of Kampala Metropolitan Area, and Seera is already negotiating with the landowner. According to the landowner, the soil fertility of the crop field is low and the land is not currently suitable for growing crops. In the coming year, Seera plans to investigate the materials available and the local knowledge for soil improvement.


    In Ghana, Kirikoshi, Ushiku, and Kunieda continue their research. Kirikoshi has created 5m square experimental plots in the forest and savanna zones, and will observe what kind of plants will grow in the plots by throwing local domestic wastes. Anderson (1952) and Abbo et al. (2005) have proposed the "dump-heap hypothesis" as the origin of agriculture. We intend to determine the changes in plant species that grow as a result of the accumulation of garbage and nutrition from local residents.

    In Japan, research activities will be conducted mainly in Kyoto. We continue dry composting at the hotel in Kyoto City using food waste from the restaurant. We aim to establish this method that does not fail due to seasonal and temperature changes in dry composting efficiency, bad odor, maggots, and small flies. We will also increase the number of classes offered at elementary schools in the prefecture to five, and promote the creation of manuals for composting as the integrated learning classes at elementary schools. Field trials are continued for animal dung compost made from animal waste from the Kyoto City Zoo and hotel food waste. We will ask a third-party analysis of the chemical and biological properties, as well as toxic heavy metals, and work with designers and promoters to explore the possibility of commercializing the product. If the project proves to be successful, we hope to promote social implementation (business) and even consider the establishment of a venture company originating from RIHN.


    Tasks for the next fiscal year onward

    1. The main focus of this project, the idea of agricultural utilization of urban organic waste and ecological restoration, has not been focused on in the academic world, and may be a difficult topic to initiate, especially for researchers in the field sciences. During the FS and PR periods, I have repeatedly held online and face-to-face workshops, but I believe that we need to be creative in how we involve the research collaborators. For this purpose, I myself want to make field research in the fields of Malaysia and Laos.


    2. I don't feel that there is anything special about it. However, the project management and paperwork effort due to cross appointments is more than I expected. I wonder if there is any way to manage the procedures for field research, concurrent work, and duplication of e-learning. Although our time and effort are very limited, I would like to explore how we can create a meaningful relationship with other projects and collaborate with them.

    In particular, I would like to thank the Research Planning Subsection, the Public Relations Unit, and all the other RIHN staff for their hard work and support. I have been receiving meaningful comments from Program Director Matsuda on a daily basis.

Project Members

Project Members

  • Leader, OYAMA Shuichi, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Professor, Project management
  • NAKANO Tomoko, Chuo University, Professor, Measurement and analysis of carbon exchange
  • KOSAKA Yasuyuki, Kyoto University, Associate Professor, Agricultural ecosystems in Lao PDR
  • TSUCHIYA Yuichiro, Kyoto University of Edccation, Professor, Waste problems and social systems
  • HARADA Hidenori, Kyoto University, Associate Professor, Wastewater and excreta management
  • SAKAMOTO Takuto, University of Tokyo, Professor, Data analysis and simulation
  • YABE Naoto, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Associate Professor, Virtual nutrition analysis
  • KUNIEDA Mika, Keio University, Lecturer, Biomass health risk evaluation
  • USHIKU Haruka, Hokkai Gakuen University, Associate Professor, Local economy
  • KIRIKOSHI Hitomi, Kokushikan University, Lecturer, Rural sutudies
  • HARA Masaya, Kobe University, Assistant Professor, Agricultural production
  • SUZUKI Kanako, Shinshu University, Assistant Professor, Collaborator
  • NAKAO Seiji, Kyoto University, Assistant Professor, Circulation of materials across the border
  • NAKAZAWA Mei, Setsunan University, Assistant Professor, Utilization and disposal of waste
  • NAKAMURA Ryosuke, Kyoto University, Assistant Professor, Biogeochemistry
  • Seera Georgina, Kyoto University, Project Researcher, Human Nutrition
  • SAITO Miho, Kyoto University, Assistant Professor
  • YAMANASHI Yumi, Kyoto City Zoo, Pricipal Researcher, Experimental psychology & Natural anthropology
  • Sub leader, SHIOYA Akiyo, Kyoto University, Program-Specific Assistant Professor, Area studies, Anthropology, Urban-Rural Distribution Studies
  • NAKADE Michiko, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Research Associate

Research Achievement


  • K. Matsushita Foundation of EXPO '90 prize, K. Matsushita Foundation, Feb. 2023
  • 2022年度国際開発学会賞 学会賞, 牛久晴香, 『かごバッグの村―ガーナの地場産業と世界とのつながり』(昭和堂, 2020年), 2022
  • 信州大学農学部 ベストレクチャー賞, 鈴木香奈子, 高冷地生物生産管理学, 2022
  • 第11回日本生態学会奨励賞(鈴木賞), 中村亮介, 2023

Books etc

Single work / Joint work

  • 伊谷, 樹一, 05 Apr. 2023, 雑草の資源化―ボルガバスケット産業における材料の転換, Joint work, つくる・つかう, v, 306p, 図版 [4] p, 京都大学学術出版会, Japanese, ISBN: 9784814004416


  • 中尾世治, Mar. 2024, 「3.5.2. 社会的受容,社会と個⼈の役割・責任,包摂性」, Contributor, 下水道の持続可能性向上に関する技術検討業務報告書, パシフィックコンサルタンツ・土木学会共同提案体
  • 日本霊長類学会, Jul. 2023, Contributor, 霊長類学の百科事典 = The encyclopedia of primatology, xxii, 716p, 図版 [8] p, 丸善出版, Japanese, ISBN: 9784621308042
  • 小坂康之, Apr. 2023, Contributor, つかい、つくられるラオスの在来野菜, v, 306p, 図版 [4] p, 伊谷樹一(編)「生態人類学は挑む SESSION4 つくる・つかう」pp. 133-163、京都大学学術出版会, Japanese, ISBN: 9784814004416
  • 原田英典, 31 Mar. 2023, Contributor, 藤原拓・池見真由, 講座サニテーション学3 サニテーションが生み出す物質的・経済的価値, 222, 北海道大学出版会
  • 中尾世治, Mar. 2023, ムスリムを組織化するということ―一九四〇年代から一九六〇年代までのボボ・ジュラソにおけるムスリムの対立をめぐって, Contributor, 宗教組織の人類学:宗教はいかに世界を想像/創造しているか, 法蔵館, ISBN: 9784831856517
  • 中尾世治, Jan. 2023, 伝統的教育と近代的学校教育(アフリカ), Contributor, イスラーム文化事典, 丸善出版
  • 小坂康之, 2023, 133-163, Contributor, 伊谷樹一, 『生態人類学は挑む SESSION4 つくる・つかう』, 京都大学学術出版会, Japanese
  • 中野智子, 2023, 76-77, Contributor, 日本地理学会編『地理学事典』, 丸善出版, Japanese
  • 矢部直人, 2023, 298-299, Contributor, 日本地理学会, 『地理学事典』, 丸善出版, Japanese
  • 矢部直人, 2023, 28-29, Contributor, 日本地理学会, 『地理学事典』, 丸善出版, Japanese
  • 國枝美佳 ショウラジブ, 2023, Contributor, 琴坂将広・宮垣元, 『社会イノベーションの方法と実践』, 慶應義塾大学出版会, Japanese
  • 國枝美佳, 2023, Contributor, 神保謙・廣瀬陽子, 『流動する世界秩序とグローバルガバナンス』, 慶應義塾大学出版会, Japanese
  • 牛久晴香, 2023, 95-132, Contributor, 伊谷樹一, 雑草の資源化―ボルガバスケット産業における材料の転換, 京都大学学術出版会, Japanese
  • 中尾世治, Oct. 2022, 文書のなかの口頭伝承, Contributor, 岩波講座 世界歴史 18 アフリカ諸地域 ~20世紀, 岩波書店
  • 中尾世治, Jul. 2022, 独立前の歴史――複数世界のなかのアフリカ史; コラム④ 歴史を再構成するための手法, Contributor, ようこそアフリカ世界へ, 昭和堂
  • 小坂康之, 2022, 2-7, Contributor, 中西嘉宏・片岡樹, 『CSEASブックガイド 初学者のための東南アジア研究』, 京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所, Japanese
  • 大山修一, 2022, 319-353, Contributor, 松田素二・フランシスBニャムンジョ・太田至, 『アフリカ潜在力が世界を変える-オルタナティブな地球社会のために』, 京都大学学術出版会, Japanese
  • Oyama, S, 2022, Waste valorisation and African Potentials: The forgotten life of things and their rebirth in mass consumption capitalism, 225-251, Contributor, Ohta, I., Nyamunjoh, F. B., and Matsuda, M. (eds.), African Potentials: Bricolage, Incompleteness and Lifeness, LANGAA Publishers, English
  • 中野智子, 2022, 1-36, Contributor, 西川可穂子・中野智子, 『グローバル化による環境・社会の変化と国際連携』, Japanese
  • 阪本拓人, 2022, 163-183, Contributor, 落合雄彦, 『アフリカ潜在力のカレイドスコープ』, 晃洋書房, Japanese
  • 矢部直人, 2022, 25-40, Contributor, 佐藤廉也・宮澤 仁, 『人文地理学からみる世界』, 放送大学教育振興会, Japanese
  • 矢部直人, 2022, 115, Contributor, 埴淵知哉, 『社会調査で描く日本の大都市』, 古今書院, Japanese
  • 矢部直人, 2022, 111, Contributor, 埴淵知哉, 『社会調査で描く日本の大都市』, 古今書院, Japanese
  • 國枝美佳, 2022, Contributor, 宮垣元・秋山美紀, 『ヒューマン・サービスとコミュニティ』, 勁草書房, Japanese

Editor / Joint editor

  • Apr. 2024, Joint editor, Ethogram of Animals in Captivity, 朝倉書店
  • 原田英典・山内太郎, 31 Mar. 2023, Editor, 講座サニテーション学4 サニテーションと健康, 北海道大学出版会
  • 中尾世治; 牛島健, Mar. 2023, 「序章 人類の社会・文化にとってサニテーションとは何か」(中尾世治); 「「きれい」と「きたない」という対の概念――その普遍と個別」(中尾世治); 「感染呪術と浄化――「きたない」ものを日常に取り込むということ」(中尾世治); 「衛生の思想と歴史――集団としての健康」(中尾世治); 「サニテーション・ワーカーの経験と知識から学ぶ――ブルキナファソの地方都市における汲み取り業者について」(中尾世治), Joint editor, 講座 サニテーション学 2 社会・文化からみたサニテーション, 北海道大学出版会, ISBN: 9784832929524
  • Jul. 2022, Editor, 遠藤貢・阪本拓人, 『ようこそアフリカ世界へ (シリーズ地域研究のすすめ 2) 』, 昭和堂, Japanese
  • 西川可穂子・中野智子, 2022, Editor, 『グローバル化による環境・社会の変化と国際連携』(中央大学社会科学研究所研究叢書 42), 280, 中央大学出版部, Japanese


  • 中野智子, 2023, 76-77, 地域から地球環境を診断する. 日本地理学会編『地理学事典』, 丸善出版
  • 2023, Georgina Seera, Obesity in Women: Socio-cultural and Nutritional Perspectives from Uganda, Langaa RPCIG
  • 齋藤美保, 2023, 林にかくれるキリンを追う―もっと知りたい野生の姿, 111, 株式会社くもん出版
  • 山梨裕美, 2023, 8巻2号, 単独飼育から群れ飼育へ、美都と若ゾウの群れづくり, モンキー
  • 山梨裕美, 2023, 8-11, 動物園・水族館から考える動物福祉~新しい時代の生きものとの関わり方~. 特集 変わりゆく動 物園. Civil Engineering Consultant
  • 山梨裕美, 2023, ペットの取引:愛玩目的での霊長類の捕獲および取引の現状 日本霊長類学会編 『霊長類学の 百科事典』

Published Papers

  • 矢部直人・栗原 剛・永井克郎・山地秀幸・新藤宏聡, 縦断データによる訪日外国人旅行者の消費金額・支出項目に影響する要因の分析, New ESRI Working Paper, 62, 1-29, 内閣府経済社会総合研究所, Japanese
  • Takuto Sakamoto; Momoko Araki; Hiroto Ito; Tomoyuki Matsuoka, 08 Apr. 2024, How different are offline and online diplomacy? A comparative analysis of public statements and SNS posts by delegates to the United Nations, Frontiers in Big Data, 7, Frontiers Media SA, English, Refereed, Scientific journal
  • Naoto Yabe, Apr. 2024, Mapmaking process reading from local distortions in historical maps: A geographically weighted bidimensional regression analysis of a Japanese castle map, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 13 (4), 124, English, Refereed, Scientific journal
  • Shiori Nozawa; Naoto Yabe, 19 Mar. 2024, Shopping online or physical store? : An analysis of clothing purchasing behavior in Yokohama City, Geographical Reports of Tokyo Metropolitan University, 59, 65-72, English, Research institution
  • AKUTAGAWA Hodaka; YABE Naoto; HANIBUCHI Tomoya, 15 Mar. 2024, Characteristics of Food e-Commerce Users from the Geographic Viewpoint, E-journal GEO, 19 (1), 98-113, The Association of Japanese Geographers, Japanese, Refereed, Scientific journal
  • Ryota Gomi; Yasufumi Matsumura; Masaki Yamamoto; Mai Tanaka; Allan John Komakech; Tomonari Matsuda; Hidenori Harada, Jan. 2024, Genomic surveillance of antimicrobial-resistant Escherichia coli in fecal sludge and sewage in Uganda, Water Research, 248, 120830-120830, Elsevier BV, Scientific journal
  • 原 将也, Jan. 2024, ザンビアの地方行政におけるチーフの役割に関する検討, 地理学評論, 97 (1), 35-49, Japanese, Refereed, Scientific journal
  • Kazuki Hirama; Naoto Yabe; Kaeko Yokota; Kengo Furuhashi; Yusuke Otsuka; Kazumi Watanabe, 15 Dec. 2023, An evaluating index for dispersed crime points from an estimated central point, Behaviormetrika, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, Refereed, Scientific journal
  • Taku Yukawa; Takuto Sakamoto, 03 Nov. 2023, The Evolution of Monitoring: Evidence from Text Analysis of Election Monitoring Reports, Foreign Policy Analysis, 20 (1), Oxford University Press (OUP), Refereed, Scientific journal
  • Jakpong Moonkawin; Loi T. Huynh; Mariane Y. Schneider; Shigeo Fujii; Shinya Echigo; Lien P. H. Nguyen; Thu-Huong T. Hoang; Hai T. Huynh; Hidenori Harada, 31 Oct. 2023, Challenges to Accurate Estimation of Methane Emission from Septic Tanks with Long Emptying Intervals, Environmental Science & Technology, Scientific journal
  • Linda Strande; Barbara Evans; Marcos von Sperling; Jamie Bartram; Hidenori Harada; Anne Nakagiri; Viet-Anh Nguyen, 24 Oct. 2023, Urban Sanitation: New Terminology for Globally Relevant Solutions?, Environmental Science & Technology, Scientific journal
  • Mahmud Aditya Rifqi; Umi Hamidah; Neni Sintawardani; Hidenori Harada; Sikopo Nyambe; Akira Sai; Taro Yamauchi, 19 Oct. 2023, Effect of handwashing on the reduction of Escherichia coli on children's hands in an urban slum Indonesia, Journal of Water and Health, 21 (11), 1651-1662, IWA Publishing, Scientific journal
  • Susumu Iwaide; Yutaro Nakayama; James K Chambers; Kazuyuki Uchida; Daisuke Nakagawa; Yumi Yamanashi; Haruna Bando; Tomoaki Murakami, 12 Oct. 2023, Senile plaques and phosphorylated tau deposition in a super-aged rhesus monkey (Macaca Mulatta)., The Journal of veterinary medical science, English, Scientific journal
  • Takuto Sakamoto, 10 Aug. 2023, Threat Conceptions in Global Security Discourse: Analyzing the Speech Records of the United Nations Security Council, 1990–2019, International Studies Quarterly, 67 (3), Oxford University Press (OUP), Refereed, Scientific journal
  • Hirofumi Kajino; Misaki Fukui; Yutaro Fujimoto; Rei Fujii; Tomohiro Yokobe; Chikae Tatsumi; Tetsuto Sugai; Naoki Okada; Ryosuke Nakamura, 08 Aug. 2023, Variations in soil nutrient availabilities and foliar nutrient concentrations of trees between temperate monsoon karst and non‐karst forest ecosystems on Mount Ibuki in Japan, Ecological Research, 38 (6), 842-851, Wiley, Refereed, Scientific journal
  • 大山修一, Aug. 2023, 新しい価値と生活スタイルを創造するバロリゼーション, 配管技術, 2023 (8月号), 1-66, Japanese, Invited, Research society
  • Yumi Yamanashi; Nobuaki Yoshida; Tomoko Matsusaka, Aug. 2023, Comparing different animal welfare assessment approaches to improve welfare of a Japanese black bear: human ratings and behavioral observations by humans and computer vision with deep learning techniques, Animal Behaviour and Management, 59 (3), 37-47, Japanese, Refereed, Scientific journal
  • Wutyi Naing; Hidenori Harada; Shigeo Fujii; Chaw Su Su Hmwe, Jul. 2023, A simplified material flow analysis employing local expert judgment and its impact on uncertainty, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, Scientific journal
  • Nakano T; Kurosaki Y; Ito TY; Iijima Y; Bavuudorj G, Jul. 2023, Applicability of digital camera images to estimate vegetation parameters in semi-arid grasslands of Mongolia, Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 79 (3), 114-119, English, Refereed, Scientific journal
  • Takuto Sakamoto, Jul. 2023, Resilience under Strain: Spatial Dimensions of ‘Farmer–Herder Conflict’ in the Sahel, Shinya Konaka, Greta Semplici, and Peter D. Little, eds., Reconsidering Resilience in African Pastoralism: Towards a Relational and Contextual Approach, Trans Pacific Press, 305-325, In book
  • Shaomin Guo; Xiuwei Ao; Xin Ma; Shikun Cheng; Cong Men; Hidenori Harada; Devendra P Saroj; Heinz-Peter Mang; Zifu Li; Lei Zheng, 15 May 2023, Machine-learning-aided application of high-gravity technology to enhance ammonia recovery of fresh waste leachate., Water research, 235, 119891-119891, English, Scientific journal
  • Alejandro J; Yamanashi Y; Nemoto K; Mouri K; Huang CW; Bercovitch FB; Huffman MA, May 2023, Reducing stress and stereotypic behaviors in captive female pygmy slow lorises (Nycticebus pygmeaus)., American journal of primatology, e23495, English, Refereed, Scientific journal
  • 桐越仁美, Mar. 2023, ガーナ国内における季節労働の実態:アッパー・ウェスト州からの州外移住に着目して, 国士舘人文学, 12(通巻54号), 41-64, Japanese, Refereed
  • 中尾世治, Mar. 2023, 人類学における理論と研究の蓄積について ─ ティヴの経済をめぐる研究史の検討から, 『人類学研究所研究論集』, 12, 111-126, Japanese, Research institution
  • Nakamura, R., Tatsumi, C., Kajino, H., Fujimoto, Y., Fujii, R., Yokobe, T., Mori, T., Okada, N, Feb. 2023, Plant material decomposition and bacterial and fungal communities in serpentine and karst soils of Japanese cool-temperate forests, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 69 (3), 163-171, English, Refereed
  • Mariane Yvonne Schneider; Hidenori Harada; Kris Villez; Max Maurer, 17 Jan. 2023, Several Small or Single Large? Quantifying the Catchment-Wide Performance of On-Site Wastewater Treatment Plants with Inaccurate Sensors., Environmental science & technology, 57 (2), 1114-1122, English, Scientific journal
  • Xuemei Wang; Jinxin Chen; Zifu Li; Shikun Cheng; Heinz Peter Mang; Lei Zheng; Inayatullah Jan; Hidenori Harada, 05 Jan. 2023, Nutrient recovery technologies for management of blackwater: A review, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10
  • Hirama, K., Yokota, K., Otsuka, Y., Watanabe, K., Yabe, N., Yokota, R. and Hawai, Y., Jan. 2023, Geographical profiling incorporating neighborhood-level factors using spatial interaction modelling, Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, English, Refereed
  • Nakamura, R., Watanabe, T., Onoda, Y, Jan. 2023, Contrasting silicon dynamics between aboveground vegetation and soil along a secondary successional gradient in a cool-temperate deciduous forest, Ecosystems, English, Refereed
  • Meng Sun; Katsunori Yanagawa; Wipoo Prasitwuttisak; Rajeev Goel; Ryuichi Watanabe; Hidenori Harada; Bing Liu; Mitsuharu Terashima; Hidenari Yasui, 2023, Kinetics for the Methanogen’s Death in the Acidic Environments, Journal of Water and Environment Technology, 21 (1), 59-75, Japan Society on Water Environment, Scientific journal
  • Justine Athieno, Georgina Seera, Faith Muyonga, Joweria Nambooze, Mariam Namasaba, 2023, Socio-demographic predictors of obesity among women in Mukono Central Division in Central Uganda: a cross-sectional study BMC, 571-571, Women’s Health 23(1), Refereed
  • Saito, M; Matsunaga, M; Fukuizumi, H; Nakamichi, M; Kinoshita, K, 2023, Factors affecting captive female giraffe stress response: male presence, small enclosure, and low temperature, Zoo Biology, Refereed, Scientific journal
  • Min Li Chua; Imasiku Nyambe; Shigeo Fujii; Taro Yamauchi; Hidenori Harada, Dec. 2022, Association of latrine and waste disposal conditions with water and kitchenware contamination in peri-urban Lusaka, npj Clean Water, 5 (1), Scientific journal
  • Bayarsaikhan, U., Akitsu, T.K., Tachiiri, K., Sasagawa, T., Nakano, T., Uudus, B.S., Nishida-Nasahara, K., Oct. 2022, Early validation study of the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) derived from the GCOM-C satellite in Mongolian grasslands, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 43, 5145-5172, English, Refereed
  • Kunieda M.K., Manzo ML, Subramanian S.V., Jimba M., Sep. 2022, Individual- and Neighborhood-Level Factors of Measles Vaccination Coverage in Niamey, Niger: A Multilevel Analysis, Vaccines (Basel), 10 (9), English, Refereed
  • Koji Oishi, Hiroto Ito, Yohsuke Murase, Hiroki Takikawa, Takuto Sakamoto, Aug. 2022, Evolution of global development cooperation: An analysis of aid flows with hierarchical stochastic block models, PLOS ONE, 17 (8), English, Refereed
  • Asada Y; Chua ML; Tsurumi M; Yamauchi T; Nyambe I; Harada H, Jun. 2022, Detection of Escherichia coli, rotavirus, and Cryptosporidium spp. from drinking water, kitchenware, and flies in a periurban community of Lusaka, Zambia., Journal of Water and Health, 20 (7), 1027-1037, IWA PUBLISHING, English, Refereed, Scientific journal
  • Carandang R.R., Sakamoto J.L., Kunieda M.K., Shibanuma A., Yarotskaya E., Basargina M., Jimba M, Jun. 2022, Effects of the Maternal and Child Health Handbook and Other Home-based Records on Mothers' Non-health Outcomes: A Systematic Review, BMJ Open, 12 (6), e058155, English, Refereed
  • Pimchanok Nopprapun; Suwanna Kitpati Boontanon; Pitchaya Piyaviriyakul; Rawiwan Sweattatut; Shigeo Fujii; Hidenori Harada, 01 May 2022, Human source identification by using a human-associated Escherichia coli genetic marker in the Mae Klong River, Thailand, Journal of Water and Health, 20 (5), 794-802, Scientific journal
  • Nakamura, M, Terada, C, Ito, K, Matsui, K, Niwa, S, Ishihara, M, Kenta, T, Yoshikawa, T, Kadoya, T, Hiura, T, Muraoka, H, Ishida, K, Agetsuma, N, Nakamura, R, Sakio, H, Takagi, M, Mori, AS, Kimura, MK, Kurokawa, H, Enoki, T, Seino, T, Takashima, A, Kobayashi, H, Matsumoto, K, Takahashi, K, Tateno, R, Yoshida, T, Nakaji, T, Maki, M, Kobayashi, K, Fukuzawa, K, Hoshizaki, K, Ohta, K, Kobayashi, K, Hasegawa, M, Suzuki, SN, Sakimoto, M, Kitagawa, Y, Sakai, A, Kondo, H, Ichie, T, Kageyama, K, Hieno, A, Kato, S, Otani, T, Utsumi, Y, Kume, T, Homma, K, Kishimoto, K, Masaka, K, Watanabe, K, Toda, M, Nagamatsu, D, Miyazaki, Y, Yamashita, T & Tokuchi, N, May 2022, Evaluating the soil microbe community-level physiological profile using EcoPlate and soil properties at 33 forest sites across Japan, Ecological Research, 37, 432-445, English, Refereed
  • Mori, T, Nakamura, R., Aoyagi, R., May 2022, Risks to misinterpret the Tea Bag Index: a field observation and a random simulation, Ecological Research, 37, 381-389, English, Refereed
  • Kirikoshi, H, 15 Mar. 2022, The Trans-region Movement of Seasonal Labour in Ghana: Settlement Formation of Populations in the Upper West Region and Trade Network, ASC-TUFS Working Papers2, 179-204, 東京外国語大学現代アフリカ地域研究センター, English, Refereed
  • 井口克郎・岩佐卓也・太田和宏・原将也・加戸友佳子・浅野慎一, Mar. 2022, 斎藤 幸平『人新世の資本論』集英社新書をどう読むか, 神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学研究科研究紀要, 15 (2), 189-209, Japanese
  • 原将也・横山貴史・宇津川喬子・伊藤徹哉・島津弘, Mar. 2022, 宮城県名取川下流域における堤外地空間の利用と管理, 地域研究, 立正地理学会編集委員会, Japanese, Refereed
  • Nakamura, R, Amada, G., Kajino, H., Morisato, K., Kanamori, K., Hasegawa, M., Feb. 2022, Silicious trichomes as a trait that may slow down leaf decomposition by meso- and macrofauna, Plant and Soil, 471, 289-299, English, Refereed


  • 矢部直人, GISで身につける基本的な地理の見方, 地理月報, 566, 10-11
  • 中尾世治, Mar. 2024, 「アフリカ史」から歴史的な知のあり方を問う, 民博通信, (9), 16-17, Japanese, Introduction other
  • 牛久 晴香, Jan. 2024, 話さなくても、つながっている―「話す」, アフリック・アフリカ「アフリカ便り」, Others
  • 山梨 裕美, Oct. 2023, 動物園・水族館から考える動物福祉 : 新しい時代の生きものとの関わり方—特集 変わりゆく動物園, Civil engineering consultant : 建設コンサルタンツ協会会誌 / 会誌編集専門委員会 編, (301), 8-11, 建設コンサルタンツ協会, Japanese
  • 23 Sep. 2023, 関西大学付属中等高等学校とのキリン観察ワークショップ@京都市動物園
  • 中村亮介; 原将也; 若手イノベーション委員会, Aug. 2023, 「サテライト企画」開催報告, 日本熱帯生態学会ニュースレター
  • Bouh Omar Ali; Yutaka Ito; Shuichi Oyama; Sergio Azael May-Cuevas; Sawahiko Shimada; Yuki Yamamoto, Jul. 2023, Sedentarization of the Nomadic People and Its Citizens' Perceptions, SSRN WPS, English
  • 中尾世治, Jun. 2023, アフリカ(2022年回顧と展望), 史学雑誌, 132 (5), 313-316, Japanese, Introduction scientific journal
  • 佐藤仁; 長畑誠; 牛久晴香; 島田剛, Jun. 2023, 国際開発学会 第33回全国大会プレナリーシンポジウム グローバル危機にどう向き合うか : 国際開発学の役割, 国際開発研究, 32 (1), 83-94, Japanese, Invited, Lecture materials
  • 中尾世治, May 2023, 書評:佐藤章編『サハラ以南アフリカの国家と政治のなかのイスラーム――歴史と現在』, アフリカ研究, (103), 67-70, Japanese, Book review
  • 牛久晴香, 30 Apr. 2023, 「イジり」と「自虐」と犬のネタ――「笑う」, Introduction other
  • 大山修一, Apr. 2023, ニジェールでゴミを集める日本人 その40:ニジェールの仕事には忍耐力と動くことが必要―日頃のご支援に感謝です., JICAニジェール支所便り 2023年3・4月合併号. JICAニジェール支所., 7-9
  • 大山修一; 栗本英世, Mar. 2023, 日本アフリカ学会, JCASA(地域研究学会連絡協議会)ニューズレター, (17), 18-19, Japanese, Meeting report
  • 大山修一, Feb. 2023, ニジェールでゴミを集める日本人 その39:いつになったら、ニアメ市清掃局のダンプカーは動くのか?, JICAニジェール支所便り 2023年1・2月合併号. JICAニジェール支所., 5-7
  • 梅原志歩; 金セッピヨル; 地主麻衣子; 中尾世治; 大澤隆将, Jan. 2023, 対話を編む『葬いとカメラ』座談会, Humanity & Nature Newsletter 地球研ニュース, 87, 8-12, Japanese, Others
  • 大山修一, 2023, 持続可能な社会を目指して① サヘルの砂漠化への挑戦―ニジェールの農村の持続可能な発展を目 指して.『新詳 地理探究』, 『新詳 地理探究』, 79, 帝国書院
  • 大山修一, 2023, 民族・宗教.『新詳 地理探究』, 『新詳 地理探究』, 202-210, 帝国書院
  • 大山修一, 2023, 生活文化.『新詳 地理探究』, 『新詳 地理探究』, 198-201, 帝国書院
  • 大山修一, 2023, 地球環境問題.『高校生の地理総合Geography 指導資料』, 『高校生の地理総合Geography 指導資料』, 180-185, 帝国書院
  • 大山修一, 2023, 資源・エネルギー問題.『高校生の地理総合Geography 指導資料』, 『高校生の地理総合Geography 指導資料』, 176-179, 帝国書院
  • 大山修一, 2023, 広がる感染症と衛生問題.『高校生の地理総合Geography 指導資料』, 『高校生の地理総合Geography 指導資料』, 174-175, 帝国書院
  • 大山修一, 2023, 地球的課題と解決に向けた目標.『高校生の地理総合Geography 指導資料』, 『高校生の地理総合Geography 指導資料』, 162-163, 帝国書院
  • 大山修一, 2023, アフリカ州.『高校生の地理総合Geography 指導資料』, 『高校生の地理総合Geography 指導資料』, 110-117, 帝国書院
  • 大山修一, 2023, 砂漠化が進行したサヘルで行われる緑化の取り組み(ニジェール).『高校生の地理総合 Geography』, 『高校生の地理総合 Geography』, 163, 帝国書院
  • 大山修一, 2023, 地球環境問題.『高校生の地理総合Geography』, 『高校生の地理総合Geography』, 180-185, 帝国書院
  • 大山修一, 2023, 資源・エネルギー問題.『高校生の地理総合Geography』, 『高校生の地理総合Geography』, 176-179, 帝国書院
  • 大山修一, 2023, 広がる感染症と衛生問題.『高校生の地理総合Geography』, 『高校生の地理総合Geography』, 174-175, 帝国書院
  • 大山修一, 2023, 地球的課題と解決に向けた目標.『高校生の地理総合Geography』, 『高校生の地理総合Geography』, 162-163, 帝国書院
  • 大山修一, 2023, アフリカ州.『高校生の地理総合Geography』, 高校生の地理総合Geograph, 110-117, 帝国書院
  • 大山修一, 2023, 資源利用と環境変化, 日本地理学会 編『地理学事典』, 488-489, 丸善出版
  • 大山修一, 2023, ニジェールでゴミを集める日本人 その39:いつになったら、ニアメ市清掃局のダンプカーは動くのか?, JICAニジェール支所便り 2023年1・2月合併号, 5-7, JICAニジェール支所
  • 大山修一, 2023, 資源利用と環境変化., 日本地理学会 編『地理学事典』丸善出版., 488-489
  • 桐越仁美, 2023, 『地理探求教師用指導書』, 251-259, 二宮書店
  • 桐越仁美, 2023, 『地理学事典』, 80-81, 丸善出版
  • 桐越仁美, 2023, 『イスラーム文化事典』, 101, 丸善出版
  • 原 将也, 2023, 「第1回若手交流セミナー」開催報告, 日本熱帯生態学会ニューズレター, 130, 11-12
  • 中村亮介, 2023, Exploring silicon dynamics during secondary succession (~100 years) – a chronosequence study in a cool-temperate forest, 国際ネットワーク ケイ素研究ウェブサイト
  • 近藤康久; 山極壽一; 林田佐智子; 浅利美鈴; 中尾世治, Mar. 2022, セッション3 総合地球環境学の確立と発展を目指して:パネルディスカッション, 総合地球環境学研究所・創立20周年記念式典・シンポジウム抄録集, 36-43, Japanese, Lecture materials
  • 大山修一, 2022, ゴミをまいて砂漠化対策, 『公共最新資料集2022』高等学校 公共, 326, 第一学習社
  • 大山修一, 2022, 練りがゆをつくる女性(ニジェール), 『新詳地理資料COMPLETE2022』, 251, 帝国書院
  • 大山修一, 2022, 専門家ゼミ アフリカで進むランドラッシュ(農地収奪), 『新詳地理資料COMPLETE2022』, 128, 帝国書院
  • 大山修一, 2022, 家庭ゴミを使って砂漠化した荒廃地の緑化にいどむ!, 『図説地理資料 世界の諸地域NOW2022』, 105, 帝国書院
  • 大山修一, 2022, ニジェールでゴミを集める日本人 その38:イスラームの心とわたしの親ゆび, JICAニジェール支所便り 2022年11・12月合併号, 5-6, JICAニジェール支所
  • 大山修一, 2022, ニジェールでゴミを集める日本人 その37:「くせ者」ぞろいの植物たち, JICAニジェール支所便り 2022年9・10月合併号, 6-8, JICAニジェール支所
  • 大山修一, 2022, ニジェールでゴミを集める日本人 その36:新名称は「肥やし100%」, JICAニジェール支所便り 2022年7・8月合併号, 5-7, JICAニジェール支所
  • 大山修一, 2022, ニジェールでゴミを集める日本人 その35:選挙で出てくるゴミとそのリサイクル, JICAニジェール支所便り 2022年5月・6月合併号, 6-9, JICAニジェール支所
  • 大山修一, 2022, 日本で農地を所有し、耕すということ, 農耕の技術と文化, 31, 43-45
  • 牛久晴香, 2022, 不確実性を生きる術―アフリカの農民の生計多様化志向, 『アフリカ』, 62, 52-55
  • 鈴木香奈子, 2022, 第4報告「アフリカにおける農業技術普及や研究活動を通して見えた課題, 農業普及研究, 27 (2), 34-50


  • 牛久 晴香, ガーナ北東部の輸出志向型地場産業にみる協働のあり方―「対等性」を手がかりに, 第29回生態人類学会研究大会, 28 Mar. 2024, 27 Mar. 2024 28 Mar. - 2024, Japanese, Oral presentation
  • 中尾世治, 自分たちのやっていることを自分たちで考え直すこと:解釈の「実用的な」意義と工学的人文学の探求, 第2回メタ研究研究会, 27 Mar. 2024, 27 Mar. 2024, Japanese, Oral presentation
  • 中野 智子, モンゴル国における気候・植生指数の時空間変動解析, 日本農業気象学会2024年全国大会, 15 Mar. 2024, 14 Mar. 2024 16 Mar. - 2024
  • 山梨裕美, ヒトとチンパンジーのかかわりの変遷:過去90年に京都で暮らしたチンパンジーの記録から, 第5回動物園水族館大学シンポジウム, 10 Mar. 2024, 09 Mar. 2024 10 Mar. - 2024, Invited
  • 松阪智子; 河村あゆみ; 中原文子; 和田晴太郎; 山梨 裕美, 屠体給餌はジャガーの行動に変化を与えるのか?, 第5回動物園水族館大学シンポジウム, 09 Mar. 2024, 09 Mar. 2024 10 Mar. - 2024
  • 荒川一輝; 青柳亮太; 中村亮介; 飯田佳子; 北島薫; 小野田雄介, Relationship between three-dimensional light distribution and tree growth in tropical rain forest and tropical seasonal forest in Panama, 日本生態学会第71回全国大会, Mar. 2024
  • Ryosuke Nakamura, Significance of silicon in understanding tropical tree communities: a broad-scale analysis including Panama and Malaysia, Maritime Asian and Pacific Studies Symposium AY2023, 27 Jan. 2024, Public discourse
  • 人びとの暮らしから豊かさについて考える―アフリカ農村を事例に, みらいマップ(2023年度学園中高大連携プログラム常翔啓光学園高等学校), 23 Jan. 2024, Public discourse
  • 小坂康之, 東南アジアの自然環境とその変容ーラオスとベトナムの事例からー, アスニー特別講演会, 19 Jan. 2024, Invited, Japanese, Public discourse
  • 大山修一, 新しい価値観と生活スタイルを創造するバロリーゼーション-西アフリカ・サヘルの都市の清掃と緑化., 広島大学ワールドワイドラーニング(WWL)コンソーシアム構築事業 オンライン., 22 Dec. 2023, Invited, Japanese, Public discourse
  • 大山修一, ジブチ農業における廃棄物利用の可能性, 島田沢彦『ジブチにおける広域緑化ポテンシャル評価に基づいた発展的・持続可能水資源管理技術確立に関する研究』日本沙漠学会 令和5年度秋季シンポジウム&沙漠工学文化会 第34回講演会., 09 Dec. 2023, Invited, Japanese, Nominated symposium
  • Haruka USHIKU, Beyond Pride and Prejudice: International Development Studies and African Area Studies in Japan, Korean Association of International Development and Cooperation, 08 Dec. 2023, Invited, English, Invited oral presentation
  • 矢部直人; 安田奈央, 東京23区における社宅の減少とその跡地利用, CSIS DAYS 2023「全国共同利用研究発表大会」, 25 Nov. 2023, Japanese, Poster presentation
  • 齋藤美保, 一つの地域でながーく観察することで見えてくるキリンの暮らし、そして地域社会と野生動物の関係, Gallery café Kirin, 19 Nov. 2023, Invited
  • 齋藤美保, キリンの仔育てを追うーそこから見えてくる環境、そして人とのかかわり, 京都大学霊長類学・ワイルド ライフサイエンス・リーディング大学院公開シンポジウム「ワイルドライフサイエンス:野生動物を知り、共に生きる」 , 19 Nov. 2023, Invited
  • 中村亮介; 龍見史恵, 植物の元素利用と菌根共生:窒素、リンに着目して, 菌根共生からみた進化群集生態学, 18 Nov. 2023
  • 齋藤美保, 「野生のキリンの姿」「キリンの仔育てからみえたこと」, 玉川子羊幼稚園, 玉川子羊幼稚園, 18 Nov. 2023, Invited
  • 中村亮介, ケイ素に着目して土壌ー樹木ー大気をつなぐ, 第507回生存圏シンポジウム, 16 Nov. 2023
  • 桐越仁美, 西アフリカに居場所をつくる, 西アフリカの概況、国士舘大学セミナー, 国士舘大学, 15 Nov. 2023
  • Yoshimi Kataoka; Seiji Nakao, What Are the 'Difficulties' of Communication across Disciplines: Laboratory Studies by Insiders on the Research Project, Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies, 2023, 09 Nov. 2023, English, Oral presentation
  • 齋藤美保, キリンのオスはメスのストレス要因か?糞中ホルモン値と社会行動からの検討, 第43回日本動物行 動学会大会, 03 Nov. 2023
  • 山梨裕美, 動物園動物の福祉を考える~最近の動向から動物とのインタラクションまで~., 第7回動物福祉市民講座 オンデマンド配信, Nov. 2023, Invited
  • 大山修一, 「つながり」で環境問題を解決する-アフリカと京都の例から. 2023年10月30日.総合地球環境学研究所 講演室., 第2回地球研・北大 連携シンポジウム, 30 Oct. 2023, Invited, Japanese, Nominated symposium
  • 齋藤美保, 森がささえるタンザニア農村部のくらし―調理燃料の視点から 第5回アジア・アフリカ2050空調文 化セミナー, ダイキン×京大セミナー, 26 Oct. 2023
  • 山梨裕美・東加奈子・安西航, スンダスローロリスのわかれ~同居個体がいなくなった時の行動・生理反応の評価, 第25回SAGAシンポジウム, 秋田県立大学/秋田市大森山動物園, 21 Oct. 2023
  • 阪本拓人, グローバル社会のリスクを分析する, 東京大学デジタルオブザーバトリ研究推進機構発足記念フォーラム「2050年を見据えたレジリエントな社会の実現に向けて」, 10 Oct. 2023, Nominated symposium
  • 大山修一, 西アフリカ・サヘルにおけるクーデターとテロの問題―第二の脱植民地化., 阪神シ ニアカレッジ 国際理解学科, 兵庫県教育委員会, 宝塚市, 06 Oct. 2023
  • 大山修一, アンデス山脈における人びとの暮らしとジャガイモ, 阪神シニアカレッジ 国際理解学科, 兵庫県教育委員会 , 宝塚市, 06 Oct. 2023
  • 原田英典, 水・衛生に由来するリスクの可視化と住民参加型アプローチ, 世界湖沼会議(第19回)に向けたワークショップ, 草津市, 29 Sep. 2023
  • 齋藤美保, キリンの「仔育て」を調べる ―そこからみえる彼らの社会関係―, 愛知県立旭丘高等学校, 愛知県立旭丘高等学校, 26 Sep. 2023, Invited
  • 阪本拓人, 冷戦後の国連安保理における政策討議の体系的分析:「平和に対する脅威」の概念を中心に, 国際関係論研究会第208回定例研究会, 東京都目黒区, 23 Sep. 2023, Japanese, Oral presentation
  • 山梨裕美, 動物とのインタラクションを考える~ふれあいの向こう側へ, 大牟田市動物園ライブ配信, 23 Sep. 2023, Invited
  • 齋藤美保, 置き去り型のキリンの仔育て, NIBB動物行動学研究会, 19 Sep. 2023
  • 山梨裕美・本庄萌・一方井祐子・徳山奈帆子・赤見理恵・Duncan Wilson・Hannah Buchanan-Smith, 日英の動物園来園者における動物福祉に関する認識と信頼, 動物の行動と管理学会2023年度大会, 酪農学園大学, 14 Sep. 2023
  • 工藤宏美・岩田高志・長井和洋・山梨裕美, カメ目3種における他個体接触時の心拍間隔の変化, 動物の 行動と管理学会2023年度大会, 酪農学園大学, 14 Sep. 2023
  • 山梨裕美, チンパンジーと映像の森:動物と退屈について考える, 動物の行動と管理学会2023年度大会, 酪農学園大学, 14 Sep. 2023, Invited
  • 齋藤美保, 林にかくれるキリンを追う―もっと知りたい野生の姿, Book & Café Wonderland, 10 Sep. 2023
  • 阪本拓人, 大規模テキスト分析をいかに生かすか:国際関係・紛争研究への適用を中心に, 京都大学アジア経済発展論研究会セミナー(AEDS), 京都府京都市, 08 Sep. 2023, Invited, Japanese, Public discourse
  • 大山修一, アフリカの脱プラスチック政策とその実効性., アジア経済研究所 共同研究会『東南アジアにおける海洋プラスチック問題と対策』(主査 小島道一), 28 Jul. 2023, Invited, Japanese
  • 原 将也, ザンビアにおける使用済みプラスチックの流通, アジア経済研究所「東南アジアにおける海洋プラスチック問題と対策」, 28 Jul. 2023, Invited, Invited oral presentation
  • 中村亮介, 森林生態系の物質循環〜蛇紋岩生態系、熱帯林樹木のケイ素集積〜, 物質循環研究会, 22 Jul. 2023
  • 齋藤美保, 「キリンの仔育てのいろは -タンザニアですすめる動物行動学-」, 京都大学付属博物館 Lecture series -研究の最先端- No.158, 京都大学付属博物館, 08 Jul. 2023
  • 原田英典, 水・衛生の役割とリスクの可視化に基づくアプローチ, 2023年度 サマーセミナー:「国際保健とアフリカ地域研究」, 東京, 08 Jul. 2023
  • 阪本拓人, 紛争と危機のシミュレーション, 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会 第10回「危機管理と公衆安全」研究部会, 07 Jul. 2023, Invited, Invited oral presentation
  • 山梨裕美・板東はるな・新美圭汰・中川大輔, 超高齢アカゲザルの行動の特徴:動物園における高齢動物の Quality of Life (QOL)評価方法の検討, 第39回日本霊長類学会大会, 兵庫県民会館, 07 Jul. 2023
  • Oyama, S, Valorization of urban waste for tackling the desertification: "Cleaning the cities, greening land" campaign in Republic of Niger, West Africa. Session “Let’s discuss the pros and cons of connecting with nature, culture, tradition and indigenous knowledge for suitability?” (Session Chair Dr. Alimata Sidibe)., Sustainability Research +Innovation 2023 (SRI2023) Panama Convention Center, Panama City., 27 Jun. 2023
  • 阪本拓人, 社会科学分野におけるオープンデータの活用:国際関係・人間の安全保障への適用事例を中心に, 日本学術会議主催 学術フォーラム「オープンサイエンス、データ駆動型研究が変える科学と社会」, 27 Jun. 2023, 26 Jun. 2023 27 Jun. - 2023, Invited, Invited oral presentation
  • 工藤宏美・長井和洋・福泉洋樹・山梨裕美・楢崎友子・青木かがり, どんな時にドキドキするか?ストレス状況での心拍変動の比較, 台北市立動物園, 26 Jun. 2023
  • 原 将也, アフリカ・ミオンボ林帯における木材生産の実態, 第33回日本熱帯生態学会年次大会, オーテピア高知, 高知県高知市, 24 Jun. 2023, 24 Jun. 2023 25 Jun. - 2023, Poster presentation
  • Takuto Sakamoto, Starting Social Sciences with Computers: Focusing on Simulation of Conflicts and Crises, 東京大学教養学部「高校生と大学生のための金曜特別講座」(2023年度夏学期), 23 Jun. 2023, Public discourse
  • Oyama, S, Urban waste valorization for greening the land in Republic of Niger, West Africa., Session 5 Biodiversity. UNIVERSITÄT HAMBURG – KYOTO UNIVERSITY Strategic Partnership Symposium 2023 Approaching planetary boundaries and jeopardizing planetary health –a multi‐disciplinary approach to a sustainable future. Hamburg, Germany., 19 Jun. 2023
  • Georgina Seera, Obesity as a consequence of Limited Food Crop Diversity in Uganda, Universität Hamburg – Kyoto University Strategic Partnership Symposium 2023, 19 Jun. 2023, Invited
  • 齋藤美保, 京都市動物園世界キリンの日記念講演会「キリンのプロに聞いてみよう!」, 18 Jun. 2023
  • Takuto Sakamoto, Resilience under Strain: Spatial Dimensions of 'Farmer-Herder Conflict' in the Sahel, Hitotsubashi Summer Institute (HSI) 2023: Economic Development, 09 Jun. 2023, 09 Jun. 2023 10 Jun. - 2023, English, Invited oral presentation
  • Domenico Cristofaro; Seiji Nakao, Multiple currencies across boundaries: the impact of the Haute Volta/Gold Coast border on monetary practices (1890-1930), 9th European Conference on African Studies, 02 Jun. 2023, 30 May 2023 03 Jun. - 2023, English, Oral presentation
  • Seiji Nakao, “Suwarian Tradition” Revisited: Reconsidering West African Historiography from “Informants”, Institute for the Study of Islamic Thought in Africa's Spring Quarter 2023 Seminar Series, 23 May 2023, 23 May 2023, English, Public discourse
  • 牛久晴香, コロナ禍におけるガーナの輸出向け手工芸品生産, 日本アフリカ学会第60回学術大会, 23 May 2023, Japanese, Oral presentation
  • 大山修一, アフリカの脱プラスチック政策とその実効性., 日本アフリカ学会第60回学術大会.東都大学国際研修センター(アジア経済研究所).千葉市., 14 May 2023
  • 「プラスチック川」を取り巻く実情―ガーナの プラスチックに関する取り組みと実態―, 日本アフリカ学会第60回学術大会, 日本アフリカ学会, 幕張国際研修センター, 14 May 2023, 13 May 2023 14 May - 2023, Japanese, Oral presentation
  • 平尾莉夏,Daouda Gomina,原田英典, ベナン国ジュグー市の家庭における廃棄物管理と資源利用の実 践, 日本アフリカ学会第60回学術大会, 千葉, 14 May 2023
  • 原 将也, ザンビアにおける使用済みプラスチックの流通, 日本アフリカ学会第60回学術大会, 幕張国際研修センター,千葉県千葉市美浜区, 14 May 2023, Oral presentation
  • Takuto Sakamoto, Fulbes in Niamey: A Study on Urban Pastoralists, The 60th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for African Studies (JAAS), 13 May 2023, 13 May 2023 14 May - 2023, Oral presentation
  • 大山修一, バロリーゼーション:西アフリカにおけるゴミを使った砂漠の緑化と平和な社会づくり., 京都ライオンズクラブ第1669回通常例会.ウェスティン都ホテル(京都、葵殿), 26 Apr. 2023, Invited
  • 原田英典, し尿の始末とサニテーション:リスクと価値をどう扱うか, 排泄の自然誌を編む, 人類学・霊長類学・環 境工学・国際保健学を跨いだクロストーク, 長野, 17 Apr. 2023
  • 平間一樹・横田賀英子・大塚祐輔・古橋健悟・渡邉和美・横田 亮・矢部直人, 犯行地点分布の代表点を基準とした集積性の評価手法, 日本行動計量学会第50回大会, 25 Mar. 2023
  • Yabe, N; Tanaka, K; Shimizu, T, Urban-rural disparities in travel flow due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, The General Meeting of the AJG Spring 2023, 25 Mar. 2023, Japanese, Poster presentation
  • 鈴木香奈子, 艮隆吾, 長谷川匡紀, 新井志穂, 石川凜太郎, 森泉美穂子, 緑肥作物の導入が高冷地キャベツの生育と根瘤病発生に及ぼす影響, 園芸学会, オンライン, 16 Mar. 2023, Poster presentation
  • 平尾莉夏, Daouda Gomina, 原田英典, ベナン国ジュグー市におけるプラスチック廃棄物の資源利用, 3RINCs 2023(第9回廃棄物資源循環国際会議), 京都, 14 Mar. 2023, Japanese
  • 片岡良美; 中尾世治, 内部者としてのラボラトリー・スタディーズ:学際的な共同研究の申請・審査過程における文書の分析, 第7回 まるはち人類学研究会(「特別企画:北陸先端科学技術大学院大学(JAIST)の大学院生・若手研究者との交流セミナー」), 04 Mar. 2023, Japanese, Oral presentation
  • 中野智子・Bat-Oyun T., モンゴル国における植物バイオマスと降水量の時空間変動, 日本農業気象学会2023年全国大会, 山口, Mar. 2023
  • 大山修一, 環境問題をグローバルとローカルの両方で考える重要性, 京大アジア・アフリカ塾2023『産官学の立場から見たアフリカの現状と未来 第5回 環境』, 京大オリジナル株式会社 プロジェクトマネジメント部, オンライン, 27 Feb. 2023, Japanese
  • 大山修一, 環境問題をグローバルとローカルの両方で考える重要性., 京大アジア・アフリカ塾2023『産官学の立場から見たアフリカの現状と未来』「第5日目 環境」Zoomオンライン。京大オリジナル株式会社 プロジェクトマネジメント部., 27 Feb. 2023, Invited
  • 原田英典, アフリカと水・衛生の価値, 京大アジア・アフリカ塾2022「ASEANの現状と未来 ~京大研究者からの提案~」第4回「医療・環境衛生」, 京大オリジナル, オンライン, 20 Feb. 2023
  • 牛久晴香, アフリカで村人とともにものづくりする―文化人類学者が見た輸出向け「かごバッグ」の生産現場, 京大アジア・アフリカ塾2023『産官学の立場から見たアフリカの現状と未来 第3回 消費財』, 京大オリジナル, オンライン, 15 Feb. 2023
  • 大山修一, ごみで地球をすくう-農業の起源と「ごみの野積み」理論, 第31回松下幸之助花の万博記念賞 記念講演会(松下幸之助花の万博記念奨励賞), リーガロイヤルホテル, 04 Feb. 2023
  • 大山修一, ごみで地球をすくう-農業の起源と「ごみの野積み」理論., 第31回松下幸之助花の万博記念賞 記念講演会(松下幸之助花の万博記念奨励賞).リーガロイヤルホテル(大阪、山楽の間), 04 Feb. 2023, Invited
  • 中尾世治, ローカルな知に方向づけられたアカデミックな研究:ノースウェスタン大学での予備調査の成果報告, 科研費共同研究「『北部アフリカ』におけるイスラーム的知識の生成・共有と社会変革の論理」第4回研究会, 28 Jan. 2023, Japanese, Oral presentation
  • 原 将也, アフリカ・ザンビア農村の暮らしの変遷―焼畑農耕とトウモロコシ栽培, 2022年度兵庫地理学協会1月特別例会, 神戸, 28 Jan. 2023
  • 長田聖哉・土屋ちほ・能口渓・鈴木香奈子・阿江教治・森泉美穂子, レタス根腐れ病発生産地土壌の被害発 生状況の実態-暗所栽培とペクチン分解活性による検証-, 第34回龍谷大学新春技術講演会, 龍谷大学, 2023
  • 大山修一, 西アフリカ・中央サヘルで生命をまもる、大地をまもる, ダイキン工業TICセミナー, ダイキン工業 淀川製作所, 19 Dec. 2022
  • 中尾世治, 主体と資源の配分装置としての国家:オート・ヴォルタにおける国家と国家をもたない社会, 科研費(基盤A)「アフリカ国家論の再構築」研究会, 17 Dec. 2022, Invited, Japanese, Oral presentation
  • 大山修一, アフリカ農村の生活は貧しいのか, 阪神シニアカレッジ 国際理解学科, 宝塚市, 16 Dec. 2022
  • 大山修一, アンデス山脈のジャガイモと人びとの暮らし, 阪神シニアカレッジ 国際理解学科, 宝塚市, 16 Dec. 2022
  • 大山修一, 西アフリカの人口増加とテロの問題, 阪神シニアカレッジ 国際理解学科, 宝塚市, 06 Dec. 2022
  • 大山修一, アフリカにおける砂漠化の問題とその対処法, 阪神シニアカレッジ 国際理解学科, 宝塚市, 06 Dec. 2022
  • 牛久晴香, 「危機」の語りと地域研究の視点, 国際開発学会第33回全国大会プレナリー「グローバル危機にどう向き合うか–国際開発学の役割」, 東京, 04 Dec. 2022
  • Huynh, T.L., Harada, H., Fujii, S., Nguyen, P.H.L., Huong, T.-H.T., Huynh, T.H., Seasonal variability in greenhouse gas emissions from septic tanks in Hanoi, Vietnam, The 13th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment (SEAWE2022), Bangkok, 03 Dec. 2022
  • 大山修一, 都市のごみとアフリカの力で実現するサヘル地域の砂漠緑化, 京都大学創立125周年記念 第16回京都大学 東京フォーラム-未来をつくる京 今日の研究, シェラトン都ホテル東京, 02 Dec. 2022
  • 片岡良美; 中尾世治, 学際的な共同研究における異分野間コミュニケーションの実態:申請・審査過程における文書の分析を通じて, 科学技術社会論学会 第21回年次研究大会, 26 Nov. 2022, 26 Nov. 2022 27 Nov. - 2022
  • 中尾世治, ローカルな知識人とヨーロッパの研究者の邂逅としての「アフリカ史学史」:アルハジ・サリム・スワレの「平和主義」再論, 第3回アフリカ史研究会, 19 Nov. 2022, Japanese, Oral presentation
  • 鈴木香奈子, 野辺山地域の農業を取り巻く問題, 川中島九条の会, 信州大学農学部附属野辺山ステーション, 長野, 23 Oct. 2022
  • 鈴木香奈子, アフリカにおける農業技術普及や研究活動を通して見えた課題, 日本農業普及学会 国際交流委員会企画座談会, 東京, 14 Oct. 2022
  • 大山修一, Summer SDGs Festival for Youth, 特定非営利活動法人 関西NGO協議会, 大阪YMCA国際文化センター2階ホール, 21 Aug. 2022
  • Oyama, S, Responsibility of Researchers in the Age of Insecure: Environmental Restoration and Conflict Mitigation in Central Sahel, 4th Asian Africanist Camp 2022, Kyoto University Inamori Building Large Conference Room, 21 Aug. 2022
  • Harada, H., Goto, S., Tsurumi, M., Chua, M. L., Nyambe, S.P., Yamauchi, T., App development for participatory self-visualization of environmental sanitation quality, 10th Zambia Water Forum and Exhibition (ZAWAFE): “Transforming the Investment Outlook for Water Development, Sanitation and Job Creation in Zambia and Africa at large”, Lusaka (Hybrid), 15 Jul. 2022, 14 Jul. 2022 16 Jul. - 2022, English
  • K. Hayashi; T. Shimizu; H. Harada; S. Nakao; T. Yamauchi, Does the Baka need toilets?: Co-creation through toilet construction in the tropical forest of Cameroon., The Thirteen International Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies (CHAGS 13), 27 Jun. 2022 01 Jul. - 2022, English, Poster presentation
  • 栗原 剛・矢部直人, 個人の旅行履歴に着目したインバウンド観光消費に関する考察, 第65回土木計画学研究発表会・春大会, 04 Jun. 2022
  • 牛久晴香, ガーナのボルガバスケット産業におけるかご編み技術の共有とその広がり―産地内の地域分化に着目して, 第2回国際開発学会「アフリカ・アジアにおけるものづくり」研究部会, 京都, 28 May 2022
  • 大山修一, ニジェール共和国におけるテロとデモ行進、SNSでうごく市民感情, 日本アフリカ学会第59回学術大会, 長崎大学(オンライン), 22 May 2022
  • 桐越仁美・牛久晴香, 「北から南への流れを捉える―ガーナの2010年人口センサスを用いて―」, 日本アフリカ学会第59回学術大会, オンライン, 21 May 2022 22 May - 2022
  • 林耕次; 清水貴夫; 原田英典; 中尾世治; 山内太郎, トイレ造りをめぐる競争共創:カメルーン東部州ピグミー系狩猟採集社会での試み, 日本アフリカ学会第58回学術大会, 21 May 2022, 21 May 2022 22 May - 2022, Japanese, Poster presentation
  • 中尾世治, アマドゥ・ハンパテ・バにおける言語と教育:西アフリカにおけるイスラームの近代, フランコフォニー月間2022, 21 Apr. 2022, Invited, Japanese, Public discourse
  • Oyama, S, “Pecking of the Chicken”: Hausa Youth’s “clues to success” in Niger’s cities, Panel 51: Urban Informality and African Potentials: Case Studies from Uganda, Niger and Cameroon. ASAA 2022 (4th Biennial Conference African Studies Association of Africa), Online, 16 Apr. 2022, English


  • サバンナの生活とモロコシ酒, 桐越仁美, 01 May 2023

Academic Contribution

  • Maritime Asian and Pacific Studies Symposium AY2023, Competition etc, 27 Jan. 2024, 28 Jan. 2024
  • JASTE33サテライト企画:“研究と社会をつなぐ”をリアルに!~生態学者がアプリをつくる~, Jun. 2023

Social Contribution

  • 新詳 地理探究, 帝国書院, Apr. 2023
  • ドライ・コンポストの展示出展., 京都環境フェスティバル実行委員会, 京都環境フェスティバル, 03 Feb. 2024, Festival
  • 都市と農村の有機物循環プロジェクトからの問い., 京都市立芸術大学, 環境×人権×アート共創イベント 「人間と文化から地球環境問題を考える」展.京都市立芸術大学A棟学外連携・政策連携スペース., 24 Nov. 2023, 03 Dec. 2023, Seminar
  • 新詳 地理探究 指導書, 帝国書院, Apr. 2023, Others
  • 高校生の地理総合Geography 指導資料, 帝国書院, Apr. 2023, Others
  • フェアトレードー買い物から考える世界の課題, 公益財団法人 札幌消費者協会, 消費生活講座, 29 Jan. 2024, Lecture
  • 渡航のすゝめ ―外国で暮らし、学ぶことの醍醐味と意味, 北海道教育委員会・北海学園大学, Hokkaido Study Abroad Program, 19 Jun. 2023, 19 Jun. 2023, Seminar

Media Coverage

  • ニジェール情勢 8月3日の独立記念日が“転換点”か-国境封鎖の長期化に懸念か。, テレ朝News, Aug. 2023, Media report
  • 【ニジェール】クーデター側が政権掌握を宣言, 日テレNEWS, ニュース24, Jul. 2023, Media report
  • Greening the desert with trash: Japan research helps green Niger desert, improving the environment and reducing conflict, Oyama, S, J STOEIES, Mar. 2023
  • ゴミの力で砂漠を緑化、アフリカの農村が得る収入と和解――京大研究者が挑む「争いのない社会」への取り組み, 大山修一, Other than myself, J STOEIES, Mar. 2023
  • 土地を綺麗に、土地を緑に、生活を豊かに(JICA草の根技術協力事業「草の根協力支援型」), 大山修一, 日本政府外務省, 『2022年版外務省 ODA(開発協力)白書 日本の国際開発』, 2023, 141
  • Shionogi Signs Agreement for Collaboration in the Third Phase of the Mother to Mother SHIONOGI Project - Development of an application to prevent diarrheal diseases in Tanzania -, Other than myself, Nikkei Business Publications, Nikkei Biotechnology & Business Online, 26 Dec. 2023, Internet
  • Shionogi to Develop App to Prevent Infant Diarrhea in Tanzania as Third Phase of Mother to Mother SHIONOGI Project -Collaboration Agreement Signed with African Mothers and Hidenori Harada, Associate Professor at Kyoto University, for App Development -, Iyakutsushinsha, Iyakutsushinsha, 22 Dec. 2023, Internet
  • Kyoto University and the University of Zambia Sign Joint Research Agreement to Improve Water and Sanitation and Reduce the Risk of Diarrhea, Other than myself, Kanchou Tsushinsya, Bunkyo Sokuhou, 20 Dec. 2023, No.9357, p.6, Paper
  • Kyoto University. Collaborative Research Agreement with the University of Zambia, Other than myself, Bunkyo News, Weekly Bunkyo News, 18 Dec. 2023, Volume 2782, page 22, Paper
  • Today is "Toilet Day": 1 in 5 people in the world have no access to a toilet, and the infrastructure is deteriorating., Other than myself, The Asahi Shimbun Company, The Asahi Shimbun Digital, 19 Nov. 2023, Paper
  • Do you know the present status of toilets in the world?, Other than myself, The Asahi Shimbun Company, The Asahi Shimbun (evening), 18 Nov. 2023, Social (page 7), Paper
  • 新春対談企画「下水道で社会を変える!」, 原田英典, 日本下水道新聞, 01 Jan. 2023, Paper
  • 国連公式モニタリング諮問委員に: 京都大学・原田准教授 SDGsゴール6を管轄, 原田英典, 日本下水道新聞, 02 Nov. 2022, Paper
  • ニュース:SDGs水と衛生における国連の諮問委員に京大・原田准教授が就任–日本から初めての選出, 原田英典, 月間下水道, Nov. 2022, Paper
  • 国連監視プログラム諮問委員就任-京都大学・原田 英典 准教授に聞く―公正な「水と衛生」の実現へ SDGs目標の進捗を監視, 原田英典, 環境新聞, 19 Oct. 2022, Paper
  • 原田英典氏を訪ねて――徹底したフィールドワークに基づきグローバル・サニテーション実現に取り組む, 原田英典, 月刊コア第391号, Jun. 2022, Paper
  • アフリカの女性の暮らしと大学の初年次教育に関するゼミナール(後半), 中澤芽衣, ラジオ高崎, May 2022
  • アフリカの女性の暮らしと大学の初年次教育に関するゼミナール(前半), 中澤芽衣, ラジオ高崎, May 2022
  • 動物福祉”で変わる動物園・畜産業…動物たちを取り巻く価値観の変化とは, 山梨裕美, 南海放送, 30 Oct. 2023, Media report

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