Research Database

An Interdisciplinary Study toward Clean Air, Public Health and Sustainable Agriculture: The Case of Crop Residue Burning in North India

Last Updated :2024/04/12

Basic Information

Basic information

Project StatusFull Research (FR)
Duration Oct. 2018 - Mar. 2025
Research ProgramCo-creation of the Sustainable Future based on the Linkage of the Earth-human System
Project No.14200133
Project TitleAn Interdisciplinary Study toward Clean Air, Public Health and Sustainable Agriculture: The Case of Crop Residue Burning in North India
Abbreviated TitleAakash Project
Project LeaderPATRA K. Prabir
  • Progress and Results (2023 Year)


    Research purpose and content

        Objectives: In the northwest Indian region (including the Indian states of Punjab and Haryana), large quantities of rice straw are openly burnt after the harvest, which releases large amounts of pollutants into the atmosphere. The impact of these air pollutants extends to the National Capital Region of Delhi (referred to as Delhi NCR). This study explores avenues for changing people's behaviour of rice straw burning and shift to sustainable agriculture in the region for clean air and improved health outcomes. In particular, the impact of straw burning on air pollution in the vicinity of Delhi NCR will be quantified and the scientific basis will be clarified by determining the distribution of air pollutants from straw burning over this wide area. The impact of air pollution from straw burning on human health will be assessed, and the health awareness will be raised among the citizens for promotion of educated actions. Various options will be also examined for the effective use of straw to create new business model frameworks.


        Background: Severe air pollution has spread worldwide, particularly in the developing countries. India is one of the most severely affected countries in terms of the number of deaths due to air pollution. The Punjab region, located in northwest India, is a significant food production centre in India. However, large-scale rice straw burning after the Kharif harvest results in severe air pollution in the surrounding areas. Recently, there have been concerns that the impact reaches the densely populated Delhi NCR. The problem has been highlighted as one of the most critical global environmental issues internationally for several years, more specifically since 2016. Furthermore, the situation has been closely linked to the decline in the groundwater table and has attracted attention from the perspective of securing water resources. New policies to avoid straw burning are currently being promoted with funding from the central government, but straw burning has yet to be reduced. As mentioned above, this issue is one of the global environmental problems attracting international attention, and several related studies have been conducted so far in atmospheric chemistry and agricultural sciences. In this context, this study is tackling the issue in a cross-disciplinary manner. In particular, no other research group is trying to link the change in health awareness of the community residents to their behavioural change.


               The global environmental problem to be solved is open 'rice straw burning problem in Northern India'. This project will (1) clarify the extent of air pollution caused by straw burning, the areas where it occurs, and the factors that contribute to its occurrence, (2) promote awareness-raising among local residents by assessing the health hazards caused to them by these air pollutants, (3) propose specific measures for the effective use of rice straw and recommend a way of transformation toward sustainable agriculture based on the current situation, including the decline of groundwater and soil degradation, (4) analyse the local culture and the social context that causes straw burning behaviour, and (5) disseminate research findings to government agencies, local communities and local residents to encourage new policies and changes in daily behaviour. The project is characterised by (1) being transdisciplinary research by a fusion of humanity, and social and natural sciences research, and (2) proposes a novel approach that had not been used locally before: 'monitoring the distribution of air pollutants, health hazard surveys and raising residents' awareness'. When this project started, there were little concern about air pollution in the rural areas, and even lesser awareness that straw burning causes serious air pollution. To change people's awareness, we needed to provide scientific evidence first. While previous measures to reduce straw burning have been slow to take off, this study, which focuses on the health hazards to residents, was supported by researchers and bureaucrats in Punjab. Furthermore, along with a review of cropping systems that are biased towards rice and wheat, the project is also trying to propose the creation of a concrete business model while examining how to respond to new policies, such as the 2021 government policy of 'co-firing biomass fuels in thermal power plants’. Ultimately, the aim is to provide a realistic pathway for farmers to convert to sustainable agriculture without compromising on their livelyhood.


    Challenges and achievements for this year

       1. Intensive observation campaign by CUPI network (2022-2023): proving the link with air pollution in Delhi NCR with crop residue burning in Punjab and Haryana


               The rice straw burning season is from September to November, following the harvesting of the Kharif crops. Thirty-two CUPI-G units (measuring gases and PM2.5 simultaneously) and eight smaller P-sensors (measuring only PM2.5) were deployed at the sites in rural areas and in the Delhi NCR. About 30 people from the Japanese and Indian research communites participated in the measurement campaigns, ably supported by the satellite data analysts and chemistry-transport modellers. A Slack workspace for the campaign was set up to exchange information in near-real time, and online meetings were held every Saturday in September to November of 2022 and 2023.


               Rice straw burning begin to increase rapidly at the end of October in most parts of Punjab, although the intensity is observed to be higher in the southern part compared to the northern part. Meanwhile, air pollution conditions deteriorate rapidly in the Delhi NCR from late October to early November. In both 2022 and 2023 schools were closed in some districts; the worst AQI (Air Quality Index) index of SEVERE continued for several days. Our observations reveal a rapid increase in PM2.5 and CO concentrations and rapid deterioration in air quality over a wide area from southern Punjab to Haryana and Delhi NCR. The fact that the deterioration of air pollution in New Delhi is not an independent phenomenon in the city alone. This is ground-breaking because it is the first time that field measurements have been able to clearly show a large-scale phenomenon of air-pollution in this area without any gap, which could have a significant impact on the local residents. First paper describing 2022 measurements of PM2.5 are published by T. Singh et al. (2023). This is being be followed by modelling simulations to achieve the ultimate goal of estimating the impact of crop residue burning on air pollution in Delhi NCR quantitatively.



        2. Analysis of long-term variation in fire detection and comparison of questionnaire results 


          Based on observations from satellites, we proceeded with a long-term analysis of fire detection and confirmed that, as previously known, 1) the timing of rice straw burning was delayed after 2009, when the Groundwater Act was proclaimed, and 2) the fire counts show an increasing trend in long term until 2016, but show a decrease in 2017-2019, when government provided subsidies and strengthened crackdowns strictly. Afterwards, an increase in fire counts is shown in 2020 and 2021 in Punjab and in 2021 in Haryana. That is considered to be related to the decrease in migrant workers and the easing of crackdowns due to the COVID19 pandemic, and most importantly the farmer’s protest to the Farm Bill that was introduced in September 2020. Furthermore, it is confirmed that straw burning was significantly delayed, possibly due to unexpected heavy rainfall in the post-monsoon season in 2022.


          On the other hand, a survey of rural communities revealed that the number of users of large agricultural machinery (e.g., Happy Seeder, ) is increasing in various districts of Punjab, and a decrease in the fire counts observed by satellites was also found. In addition to the paper-based questionnaire survey, online interviews are conducted since January 2022. In October 2022, and in February, June, August and September 2023, the WG1a members went to the field to conduct face-to-face interviews. The results showed that the presence of straw burning varied greatly from field-to-field depending on various socio-economic factors, e.g., land ownership/rental, high production cost as well as socio-cultural factors, e.g., relationship with stakeholders, rice variety selection, relationships among cultural groups, and ownership of rice straw management machinery.



        3. Review of in-situ and ex-situ rice straw management in Punjab


          Punjab State produces 40 megatons of rice straw, most of which is burned. With the aim of reducing straw burning, Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) conducted an extensive review study on in-situ rice straw management and published the results in a 60-page report. Professor Vatta (PAU), a member of the Indian side, played a major role in writing this report, reflecting discussions and information sharing among the project. The review study organise the issues from a broad perspective toward the reduction of rice straw burning for the project.

             To achieve carbon neutrality, the Indian Ministry of Power (MoP) amended its existing policy on biomass use in 2021, making coal-based thermal power plants to use at least 5% biomass briquettes/pellets, which are mainly made from agricultural residues. We have organised the 'Study Group of Rice Straw Utilisation as Biomass fuel' with the Ministry of Environment and JICA, and we held seminars on the Aakash project during the Indo-Japan Environment Week on 13 January 2023, and a series of meetings in the past one year (ref. Presentations). This is deepening our discussions on the effective use of rice straw with various stakeholders.



        4. Launch of field experiments at the Lovely Professional University


                The Lovely Professional University (LPU) in India, with which we concluded an MoU in FY2021, has started field experiments to cultivate alternative crops to rice in the field. Project members have travelled from Japan several times to conduct soil analysis, provide advice on planting, and engage in active research exchanges. The cultivation experiment will continue in the final year of the project, possibly with the involvement of local farmers. Aakash team members are actively involved in preparation of biochar from rice straw and rice husk, which are them applied to the experimental fields at varied amount. Green papaya trees and turmeric are planted in rows of trees and/or shrubs to create alleys within which crops are produced (alley cropping). Field experiments are performed by applying different biochars to estimate GHG emission reduction potential for quantification of co-benefits of mitigating air pollution and climate change.


    Future tasks

       1) The COVID-19 pandemic, which occurred at the same time as the FR started, had an enormous impact on the project. The details of the field test plan and questionnaire survey conducted through online discussions and limited implementation by local researchers. As a solution, we have taken all possible measures, including outsourcing work to local non-profit organisations, strengthening links with local collaborators, and actively communicating through online meetings, webinars, email and slack. It was not until FR3 (2022) that Indian post-doc researchers were able to enter Japan. Finally, in the middle of FR3, it became possible to travel to Japan. Field surveys and intensive observations were carried out for the first time in the straw burning season of September to November 2022. The past couple of years have been immensely rewarding our the Aakash team on gathering information, consolidating observational and survey data, and moving towards peer-reviewed publications. We are expecting completion of several key publications in this year.


    2) Following the success of CUPI campaigns in 2022 and 2023 crop residue burning season, we are planning to return to the field for 3rd year in a row. This unique opportunity cannot be missed. The PL personally believe that such an achievement will be appreciated in the scientific community in the years and decades to come. We are already sharing and exchanging observational data of air pollutants with various colleagues.


    3) In the final year of the project, we will hold an international workshop involving core members of the Aakash project and a few invited guest scientists, during 28-30 August 2024. In the week, we will be able to discuss the final outcomes of our research by the three Working Groups, and going forward decide on a framework to summarise results for the Aakash project as a whole over the final 6 months.

Project Members

Project Members

  • Leader, PATRA K. Prabir, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Professor, Project management
  • YASUTOMI Natsuko, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Specially Appointed Associate Professor, Project management, meteorological data analysis
  • MURAO Rumiko, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Reseacher, Area studies, Anthropology, agrarian studies
  • BISWAL Akash, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Reseacher, Agricultural Fire Emissions and Air Quality model simulation
  • MANGARAJ Poonam, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Reseacher, Human health exposure to high PM2.5 from stubble burning.
  • ARAKI Hikaru, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Research Associate
  • Core member, ASADA Haruhisa, Nara Women's University, Associate Professor, Survey of farming system and rural society
  • TAKADA Masashi, Nara Women's University, Professor, Survey of behavioral modification of farmers
  • SATO Takahiro, Hirosaki University, Associate Professor, Agro-Economics, Human Geography, Cultural Anthropology and Agricultural Science
  • Core member, INUBUSHI Kazuyuki, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Professor, Sustainable soil management
  • Sub leader, SUDO Shigeto, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Group Leader, Study of mitigation of greenhouse gases from agricultural fields
  • NISHIHARA Eiji, Tottori University, Professor, Establishing new crop rotation system
  • Sub leader, HAYASHIDA Sachiko, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Visiting Professor, Sub leader
  • FUJITA Koichi, Aoyama Gakuin University, Professor, Work on farmers welfare issues in Punjab
  • Core member, MATSUMI Yutaka, Nagoya University, Reseacher/Emeritus Professor, PM2.5 monitoring by compact instruments (CUPI and others)
  • KAWASAKI Masahiro, Kyoto University, Emeritus Professor, Atmospheric environment measurement
  • NAKAYAMA Tomoki, Nagasaki University, Associate Professor, PM2.5 monitoring by compact instruments (CUPI and others)
  • Core member, KAJINO Mizuo, Meteorological Research Institute, Senior Researcher, Simulation of aerosols using a regional scale model
  • IMASU Ryouichi, The University of Tokyo, Professor, Remote Sensing, Simulation of aerosols using a regional scale model (WARF-Chem)
  • TAKEUCHI Wataru, The University of Tokyo, Professor, Land-cover Classification: Cropland Identification
  • KHATRI Pradeep, Tohoku University, Lecturer, Derivation of PM2.5 from satellite observation
  • YAMAJI Kazuyo, Kobe University, Associate Professor, Development of emission inventory of straw burning with high resolution, Air quality modeling
  • KUJI Makoto, Nara Women's University, Associate Professor, Derivation of PM2.5 from satellite observation
  • Core member, MURAMATSU Kanako, Nara Women's University, Professor, Land-cover Classification:Cropland and burning area Identification
  • MORIYAMA Masao, Nagasaki University, Associate Professor, Satellite data analysis
  • Core member, UEDA Kayo, Hokkaido University, Professor, Epidemiological study and Public health education
  • Core member, UMEMURA Tomohiro, Aichi Medical University, Lecturer, Epidemiological study and Public health education
  • ONISHI Kazunari, St. Luke's International University, Associate Professor, Epidemiological study and Public Health
  • TERASAKI Hiroaki, University of Fukui, Lecturer, Epidemiological study and Public Health, Development of health survey tools
  • SAMADDAR Arindam, International Rice Research Institute, Lead Specialist, Survey of cultural background of farmers’ behaviour
  • VEETTIL Chellattan Prakashan, International Rice Research Institute, Lead Specialist, Socioeconomical analysis of options of straw managements
  • SHARMA Sheetal, International Rice Research Institute, Senior Scientist, Technical Support: Mitication options. Study on benefit to Soil Health, Non-tillage cultivation
  • MOHAN Mehta Chandra, Lovely Professional University, Professor、Associate Dean, Practice of no-tillage cultivation
  • RASANE Prasad, Lovely Professional University, Associate Professor, New practices aim to sustainable agriculture
  • KUMAR Prasann, Lovely Professional University, Assistant Professor, ARGO-economics, humen geography, cultural anthropology, and agricultural science
  • VATTA Kamal, Punjab Agricultural University, Professor、Dean, Socioeconomical analysis of options of straw managements
  • KUNCHALA Kumar Ravi, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Assistant Professor, Monitoring PM2.5 and other air pollutants in Haryana
  • GANGULY Dilip, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Associate Professor, Modeling of PM2.5 and other air pollutants in Delhi and Sonipat
  • SINGH Tanbir, SCVB Government College, Assistant Professor, Air pollution monitoring and chemical characterization
  • SINGH Narendra, Aryabhatta Research Institute of observational sciences, Deputy Chairman, Monitoring PM2.5 and other air pollutants in Himalaya
  • NAJA Kumar Manish, Aryabhatta Research Institute of observational sciences, Chairman, VOC observations
  • RAM Kirpa, Banaras Hindu University, Assistant Professor, Monitoring PM2.5 and other air pollutants over Indo-Gangetic Plain
  • DAS Kumar Sanat, Bose Institute, Associate Professor, Bioaerosols Identification
  • CHAUHAN Akshansha, AIRMO GmbH, Engineer, PM2.5 monitoring by compact instruments
  • BHATTI Singh Manpreet, Guru Nanak Dev University, Professor, Environmental Engineering (Ambient air, Drinking water quality, Wastewater treatment)
  • YADAV Rekha, Guru Nanak Dev University, Graduate Student, Ambient Air Quality Monitoring
  • PANDEY Nandan Hemwati, Gurukul Kangri University, Assistant Professor, Monitoring PM2.5 and other air pollutants in Himalaya
  • DIMRI P. A., Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, Director, Monitoring PM2.5 and other air pollutants in Delhi
  • TRIPATHI Nand Sachchida, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, HAG Professor, Study of air pollution in India using observations from NCAP and Aakash projects
  • MISRA Prakhar, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Associate Professor, PM2.5 monitoring by compact instruments, Remote Sensing analysis
  • GHUDE D Sachin, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Researcher, Air Quality modeling
  • KONWAR Mahen, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Researcher, Weather Research and Forecasting Chemistry Modeling
  • SAHA Kumar Subodh, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Researcher, Weather Research and Forecasting
  • SINHA Baerbel, Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research Mohali, Assistant Professor, Monitoring PM2.5 and other air pollutants in Chandigarh
  • SHARMA Akanksha, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Research scholar, Climate Modelling
  • THONGBOONCHOO Narisara, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Lecturer, Development of Emission Inventory for air pollutants from crop-residue burning in Thailand: Comparison with India
  • ARBAIN Adhary Ardhi, National Research and Innovation Agency, Researcher, Development of detection algorithm for burnt area caused by crop-residue burning using Sentinel-2 observation
  • SAHU kumar Lokesh, Physical Research Laboratory, Professor, VOC analysis using TD-GC-FID instruments
  • DHAKA Kumar Surendra, Rajdhani College, University of Delhi, Associate Professor, Monitoring PM2.5 and other air pollutants in Delhi
  • PANWAR Vivek, Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi, Assistant Professor, Monitoring PM2.5 and other air pollutants in Delhi
  • SINGH P. Ramesh, Schmid College of Science and Technology, Chapman University, Professor, Data analysis of PM2.5 over Indo-Gangetic Plain
  • KAWSER Ahmed, University of Dhaka, Professor, Monitoring PM2.5 and other air pollutants in Bangladesh
  • CHING Joseph, the Education University of Hong Kong, Assistant Professor, Simulation of aerosols using a regional scale model and a particle-resolved model
  • TO Thi Hien, Vietnam National University, Head of Department, Measur PM2.5 using low-cost sensors, collect PM and measure their chemical composition
  • KHAIWAL Ravindra, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Additional Professor, Respiratory health survey and public health education
  • JINDAL K. Surinder, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Emeritus-Professor, Epidemiological study and public health education
  • MOR Suman, Panjab University, Chairperson and Associate Professor, Air pollution monitoring in IGP region, data composition and analysis, Community engagement and empowerment
  • DEY Sagnik, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Professor, Air quality and health impact assessment
  • SHARMA Kumar Arun, University of Delhi, Professor, Assessment of PM2.5 Risk on Health

Research Achievement

Books etc

Single work / Joint work

  • Canadell, J.G., P.M.S. Monteiro, M.H. Costa, L. Cotrim da Cunha, P.M. Cox, A.V. Eliseev, S. Henson, M. Ishii, S. Jaccard, C. Koven, A. Lohila, P.K. Patra, S. Piao, J. Rogelj, S. Syampungani, S. Zaehle, and K. Zickfeld, 2021, pp. 673–816, Joint work, Global Carbon and other Biogeochemical Cycles and Feedbacks. In Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Masson-Delmotte, V., P. Zhai, A. Pirani, S.L. Connors, C. Péan, S. Berger, N. Caud, Y. Chen, L. Goldfarb, M.I. Gomis, M. Huang, K. Leitzell, E. Lonnoy, J.B.R. Matthews, T.K. Maycock, T. Waterfield, O. Yelekçi, R. Yu, and B. Zhou (eds.)], Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, English


  • 林田佐智子, Jan. 2024, インドの農地で起きていることー北インド・パンジャブ地方における稲藁焼きがもた らす環境への影響, Contributor, 世界の生態系で何がおきているのか?―リモートセンシングで探る世界の 問題生態系, (一社)日本リモートセンシング学会 問題生 態系計測研究会, ISBN: 9784600013882
  • 中山智喜; 河本和明, 15 Apr. 2023, 4章、大気汚染のメカニズムと対策, 35-51, Contributor, 地域のレジリエンスを高める環境科学, 190, 九州大学出版会, Japanese, Textbook, ISBN: 9784798503523
  • Szopa, S., V. Naik, B. Adhikary, P. Artaxo, T. Berntsen, W.D. Collins, S. Fuzzi, L. Gallardo, A. Kiendler-Scharr, Z. Klimont, H. Liao, N. Unger, and P. Zanis, 2021, pp. 817–922, Contributor, Short-Lived Climate Forcers. In Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Masson-Delmotte, V., P. Zhai, A. Pirani, S.L. Connors, C. Péan, S. Berger, N. Caud, Y. Chen, L. Goldfarb, M.I. Gomis, M. Huang, K. Leitzell, E. Lonnoy, J.B.R. Matthews, T.K. Maycock, T. Waterfield, O. Yelekçi, R. Yu, and B. Zhou (eds.)], Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, English
  • 西谷地晴美, Mar. 2020, 溶融する自然と社会―インドの大気汚染を事例に, Contributor, 気候危機と人文学 人々の未来のために, かもがわ出版

Published Papers

  • Sachiko Hayashida, Dec. 2023, Tackling Air Pollution from Agricultural Residue Burning: The Aakash Project: Challenge for Reduction of Rice-Stubble Burning in the Indian Punjab Region, Global Environmental Research, 27 (1), 3-11, English, Refereed, Scientific journal
  • Bustamante, M; J. Roy; D. Ospina; al, Dec. 2023, Ten New Insights in Climate Science 2023, Global Sustainability, 6, English, Refereed, Invited, Scientific journal
  • Vikas Rawat; Narendra Singh; Jaydeep Singh; Akanksha Rajput; Surendra K. Dhaka; Yutaka Matsumi; Tomoki Nakayama; Sachiko Hayashida, 18 Sep. 2023, Assessing the high-resolution PM2.5 measurements over a Central Himalayan site: impact of mountain meteorology and episodic events, Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, Scientific journal
  • Singh, T; Y. Matsumi; T. Nakayama; S. Hayashida; P. K. Patra; N. Yasutomi; M. Kajino; K. Yamaji; P. Khatri; M. Takigawa; H. Araki; Y. Kurogi; K. Kuji; K. Muramatsu; R. Imasu; A. Ananda; A. A. Arbain; R. Khaiwal; S. Bhardwaj; S. Kumar; S. Mor; S. K. Dhaka; A. P. Dimri; A. Sharma; N. Singh; M. S. Bhatti; R. Yadav; K. Vatta; S. Mor, Aug. 2023, Very high particulate pollution over northwest India captured by a high-density in situ sensor network, Scientific Reports, 13 (1), Springer Science and Business Media LLC, English, Refereed, Scientific journal
  • Mukunda M. Gogoi; S. Suresh Babu; Ryoichi Imasu; Makiko Hashimoto, 19 Jul. 2023, Satellite (GOSAT-2 CAI-2) retrieval and surface (ARFINET) observations of aerosol black carbon over India, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23 (14), 8059-8079, Copernicus GmbH, English, Refereed, Scientific journal
  • Kun YU; Kanako MURAMATSU, Mar. 2023, Selection criteria of agricultural burning pixels using Sentinel-2/MSI data in Punjab, India, Aakash Working Paper, 1-13, Japanese
  • 村尾るみこ; 林田佐智子; Kamal Vatta, Mar. 2023, 「農家レベルの稲わら管理: インド北西部パンジャーブ州における一考察」, Aakash working paper No.3, 総合地球環境学研究所, Refereed
  • Mizuo Kajino, Akane Kamada, Natsumi Tanji, Masaya Kuramochi, Makoto Deushi, Takashi Maki, Dec. 2022, Quantitative influences of interannual variations in meteorological factors on surface ozone concentration in the hot summer of 2018 in Japan, Atmospheric Environment: X, 16, 100191, English, Refereed, Scientific journal
  • Pradeep Khatri, Tadahiro Hayasaka, Brent N. Holben, Ramesh P. Singh, Husi Letu, Sachchida N. Tripathi, 30 Nov. 2022, Increased aerosols can reverse Twomey effect in water clouds through radiative pathway, Scientific Reports, 12 (1), Springer Science and Business Media LLC, Refereed, Scientific journal
  • Chetna; Surendra K. Dhaka; Gagandeep Longiany; Vivek Panwar; Vinay Kumar; Shristy Malik; Narendra Singh; A.P. Dimri; Yutaka Matsumi; Tomoki Nakayama; Sachiko Hayashida, 06 Aug. 2022, Trends and Variability of PM2.5 at Different Time Scales over Delhi: Long-term Analysis 2007-2021, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 22, 220191-220191, Taiwan Association for Aerosol Research, English, Scientific journal
  • Yao, Y., Curtis, J. H., Ching, J., Zheng, Z., and Riemer, N., Jul. 2022, Quantifying the effects of mixing state on aerosol optical properties, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22, 9265-9282, English, Refereed, Scientific journal
  • Kaho Nitta; Prakhar Misra; Sachiko Hayashida, Mar. 2022, Intercomparison of tropospheric nitrogen dioxide over Indian subcontinent observed by TROPOMI and OMI, Journal of Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 42 (1), 36-50, English, Refereed, Scientific journal
  • Haruhisa Asada; Kamal Vatta, Mar. 2022, Regional characteristics of stubble burning in Punjab, India and the effect of the COVID-19 lockdown, Aakash Working Paper, 1, 1-13, English, Refereed, Research institution
  • Mizuo Kajino, Natsumi Tanji, Masaya Kuramochi, Dec. 2021, Better prediction of surface ozone by a superensemble method using emission sensitivity runs in Japan, Atmospheric Environment: X, 12, 100120, English, Refereed, Scientific journal
  • Sachiko Hayashida, Nov. 2021, 北インド・パンジャーブ地方における稲藁焼きがもたらす環境への影響, Journal of Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 41 (5), 611-614, Japanese, Refereed, Invited, Scientific journal
  • Ravindra, K., Singh, T. & Mor, S., Nov. 2021, COVID-19 pandemic and sudden rise in crop residue burning in India: issues and prospects for sustainable crop residue management., Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29, 3155-3161, English, Refereed, Scientific journal
  • P. Khatri; T. Hayasaka; B. Holben; S. N. Tripathi; P. Misra; P. K. Patra; S. Hayashida; U. C. Dumka, 28 Oct. 2021, Aerosol Loading and Radiation Budget Perturbations in Densely Populated and Highly Polluted Indo‐Gangetic Plain by COVID‐19: Influences on Cloud Properties and Air Temperature, Geophysical Research Letters, 48 (20), American Geophysical Union (AGU), English, Refereed, Scientific journal
  • Jaydeep Singh; Narendra Singh; Narendra Ojha; A. K. Srivastava; Deewan Singh Bisht; K. Rajeev; N. V; P. Kiran Kumar; Ravi S. Singh; Vivek Panwar; S. K. Dhaka; Vinay Kumar; Tomoki Nakayama; Yutaka Matsumi; Sachiko Hayashida; A. P. Dimri, 17 Aug. 2021, Genesis of a Severe Dust Storm over the Indian Subcontinent: Dynamics and Impacts, Earth and Space Science, 9 (2), American Geophysical Union (AGU), Refereed, Scientific journal
  • Pradeep Khatri; Tadahiro Hayasaka, Jul. 2021, Impacts of COVID-19 on Air Quality over China: Links with Meteorological Factors and Energy Consumption, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 21 (10), 200668-200668, Taiwan Association for Aerosol Research, Refereed, Scientific journal
  • Prakhar Misra; Masayuki Takigawa; Pradeep Khatri; Surendra K. Dhaka; A. P. Dimri; Kazuyo Yamaji; Mizuo Kajino; Wataru Takeuchi; Ryoichi Imasu; Kaho Nitta; Prabir K. Patra; Sachiko Hayashida, 07 May 2021, Nitrogen oxides concentration and emission change detection during COVID-19 restrictions in North India, Scientific Reports, 11 (1), Springer Science and Business Media LLC, English, Refereed, Scientific journal
  • Trang Thi Quynh Nguyen; Wataru Takeuchi; Prakhar Misra; Sachiko Hayashida, 24 Feb. 2021, Technical note: Emission mapping of key sectors in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, using satellite-derived urban land use data, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21 (4), 2795-2818, Copernicus GmbH, English, Refereed, Scientific journal
  • Mizuo Kajino; Makoto Deushi; Tsuyoshi Thomas Sekiyama; Naga Oshima; Keiya Yumimoto; Taichu Yasumichi Tanaka; Joseph Ching; Akihiro Hashimoto; Tetsuya Yamamoto; Masaaki Ikegami; Akane Kamada; Makoto Miyashita; Yayoi Inomata; Shin-ichiro Shima; Pradeep Khatri; Atsushi Shimizu; Hitoshi Irie; Kouji Adachi; Yuji Zaizen; Yasuhito Igarashi; Hiromasa Ueda; Takashi Maki; Masao Mikami, 12 Oct. 2020, Comparison of three aerosol representations of NHM-Chem (v1.0) for the simulations of air quality and climate-relevant variables, Copernicus GmbH
  • Prakhar Misra; Ryoichi Imasu; Sachiko Hayashida; Ardhi Adhary Arbain; Ram Avtar; Wataru Takeuchi, 11 Sep. 2020, Mapping Brick Kilns to Support Environmental Impact Studies around Delhi Using Sentinel-2, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9 (9), 544-544, MDPI AG, English, Refereed, Scientific journal
  • Surendra K. Dhaka; Chetna; Vinay Kumar; Vivek Panwar; A. P. Dimri; Narendra Singh; Prabir K. Patra; Yutaka Matsumi; Masayuki Takigawa; Tomoki Nakayama; Kazuyo Yamaji; Mizuo Kajino; Prakhar Misra; Sachiko Hayashida, Aug. 2020, PM2.5 diminution and haze events over Delhi during the COVID-19 lockdown period: an interplay between the baseline pollution and meteorology, Scientific Reports, 10 (1), Springer Science and Business Media LLC, English, Refereed, Scientific journal
  • Joseph Ching and Mizuo Kajino, Jul. 2020, Rethinking Air Quality and Climate Change after COVID-19, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (14), E5167, English, Refereed
  • Masayuki Takigawa; Prabir K. Patra; Yutaka Matsumi; Surendra K. Dhaka; Tomoki Nakayama; Kazuyo Yamaji; Mizuo Kajino; Sachiko Hayashida, Apr. 2020, Can Delhi's Pollution be Affected by Crop Fires in the Punjab Region?, SOLA, 16, 86-91, METEOROLOGICAL SOC JAPAN, English, Refereed, Scientific journal


  • Rumiko Murao; Prabir Patra, Apr. 2024, The new socio economic relations developing between pastoralists and farmers : The increased agricultural waste usages after the 'Green revolution' in Northwestern India, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 113-114, Refereed
  • 松見豊; 中山智喜, Jan. 2024, 多数のローコストな小型大気計測器を用いた広域ネットワーク観測に基づく粒子状物質やオゾンの濃度分布や生成・輸送過程の解明と削減対策の推定, 大気環境学会誌, 59, A66-A71, Japanese, Invited, Introduction scientific journal
  • Biswal, Akash; Mangaraj, Poonam; Patra, Prabir; Yutaka Matsumi; Masayuki Takigawa; Hikaru Araki; Natsuko Yasutomi; Dhaka, Surendra; A.P.Dimri; Prakhar Misra; Tanbir Singh, 22 Nov. 2023, The northwest India gets a respite from high PM2.5 due to rainfall on 10th Nov 2023 but the regional PM2.5 behaviour changed within 2 days, Research News, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, English, Report research institution
  • Patra, Prabir; Matsumi Yutaka; Takigawa Masayuki; Araki Hikaru; Biswal, Akash; Mangaraj, Poonam; Yasutomi Natsuko; Hayashida Sachiko, 14 Nov. 2023, Government policy to decrease major emission sources led to reduction in PM2.5 in the Delhi NCR during 4-9 November 2023, Research News, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, English, Report research institution
  • Patra, Prabir; Matsumi Yutaka; Masayuki Takigawa; Araki Hikaru; Biswal, Akash; A.P. Dimri; Misra, Prakhar; Mangaraj, Poonam; Yasutomi Natsuko; Hayashida Sachiko, 08 Nov. 2023, Very high air pollution event on 2-5 Nov 2023 in Delhi NCR couldn’t be explained by crop residue burning, Research News, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, English, Report research institution
  • Rino Mutsukura; Kanako Muramatsu, Nov. 2023, Monitoring of crop stubble burning site in Punjab, India using Sentinel-2/MSI data, 日本リモートセンシング学会第75回学術講演会論文集, 239-240
  • Inubushi, K; SAHARA, I; KATO, T; OSHIMA, H; SUDO, S; Nishihara, E; YASHIMA, M; Chandra, M; DIPTANU, B; PRASANN, K; GAURAV, S; Hayashida, S; PRABIR, P, Sep. 2023, Greenhouse gas productions, their influencing factors and sustainable soil and organic matter management in Northwest India (Part 1), Abstract of Annual Meetings, Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 69, 148-148, Japanese, Summary national conference
  • Rino Mutsukura; Kanako Muramatsu, Jun. 2023, Index for the extraction of;cro;ubble burni;n;Punjab;India using Sentinel;MSI data, 日本リモートセンシング学会第74回学術講演会論文集, 75-76, Summary national conference
  • Takahiro Sato; Haruhisa Asada; Rumiko Murao, Jun. 2023, Introduction of Aakash Project and preliminary report on the questionnaire surveys, Special lecture in Punjab Agricultural University, Invited, Others
  • Kumar, S; Vatta, K; Singh, J.M; Guleria, A; Priscilla, L; Kanwal, V; Saini, R; Singh, G; and Bansal, S, Nov. 2022, Impact Assessment Study of Central Sector Scheme for Promotion of Agricultural Mechanization for in-situ Paddy Stubble Management in Punjab, Department of Economics & Sociology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141004., English
  • Tanbir Singh; Yutaka Matsumi; Tomoki Nakayama; Sachiko Hayashida, Oct. 2022, Establishing an air quality monitoring network in Northern India: Challenges in deployment and its maintenance, Aakash News Letter, 2022, no. 6, RIHN, Japan, English, Introduction research institution
  • Akshansha Chauhan; Ramesh P. Singh; Y. Matsumi; Sachiko Hayashida; Tomoki Nakayama; Sharad Kumar Gupta; Dericks P. Shukla, Jul. 2022, Variability of the Particulate Matter Concentration in the Northern Parts of India Using Low-Cost Sensors, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022-July, 6686-6689, English, Refereed
  • Bahrami Zeinab; Yang Zhesi; Onishi Kazunari; Umemura Tomohiro; Ueda Kayo, Dec. 2021, Health risk perception and Awareness of air pollu- tion: Scoping review, 日本公衆衛生雑誌 第80回日本公衆衛生学会総会, 68 (11), 311
  • Yang Zhesi; Ueda Kayo; memura Tomohiro; Onishi Kazunari, Dec. 2021, Face mask use under the COVID-19 pandemic for farmers in Punjab, India, 日本公衆衛生雑誌 第80回日本公衆衛生学会総会, 68 (11), 196
  • 于琨; 村松加奈子, Nov. 2021, Sentinel-2 データを用いたインド・パンジャーブ州における野焼き箇所の抽出, 日本リモートセンシング学会第71回学術講演会論文集, 67-68
  • Yang Zhesi; 上田佳代; 梅村朋弘; 大西一成; 寺崎寛章; 松見豊; 中山智喜; 村尾 るみこ; 浅田晴久; 佐藤孝宏; 林田佐智子, Sep. 2021, Public perception of air pollution and stubble burning—a cross-sectional survey study in Punjab, India, 第62回大気環境学会年会講演要旨集, 184
  • 于琨; 村松加奈子, May 2021, Sentinel-2 データを用いたインド・パンジャーブ州における野焼き箇所の抽出条件, 日本リモートセンシング学会第70回学術講演会論文集, 13-14
  • 犬伏 和之, Jan. 2021, 土壌の視点から見る一酸化二窒素(N2O)発生のプロセスと実現可能な緩和, 地球環境研究センターニュース, 31 (10), 9-12, Japanese
  • Joseph Ching and Mizuo Kajino, Aug. 2020, Rethinking Air Quality and Climate Change after COVID-19, Newsletter Aakash, 3
  • Sachiko Hayashida and Prakhar Misra, Jun. 2020, How might the unexpected change in air quality caused by the lockdown in India change people's future behaviour?, Newsletter Aakash, 2
  • Prakhar Misra, Apr. 2020, Clean Air and Imagined Sustainability:The case of India, Newsletter Aakash, 1


  • Rumiko Murao; Prabir Patra, The new socio economic relations developing between pastoralists and farmers : The increased agricultural waste usages after the 'Green revolution' in Northwestern India, The 10th 3R International Scientific Conference, 3RINCs 2024, 17 Mar. 2024, 15 Mar. 2024 17 Mar. - 2024, Invited oral presentation
  • Inubushi, K; SAHARA, I; ANZAI, S; SUDO, S; Nishihara; E. Chandra, M; DIPTANU, B; PRASANN, K; GAURAV, S; KATO, T; OSHIMA, H; Hayashida, S; PRABIR, P, Sustainable soil and organic matter managements for reducing straw burning, greenhouse gas productions, and their influencing factors in Northwest India (Part 2), Annual Meeting of JSTA, 16 Mar. 2024, 16 Mar. 2024 17 Mar. - 2024, English, Oral presentation
  • 山地一代, デリー首都圏および周辺地域におけるPM2.5濃度上昇を対象とした数値解析, 九州大学応用力学研究所研究集会 第7回アジア域の化学輸送モデルの現状と今後の展開に関する研究集会, 14 Mar. 2024, 14 Mar. 2024 15 Mar. - 2024
  • 梅村 朋弘; 大西 一成; 寺崎 寛章; 中山 智喜; 松見 豊; 鈴木 孝太; 上田 佳代, インドのパンジャブ州における医療事情に関する調査, 第94回日本衛生学会学術総会, 09 Mar. 2024, 07 Mar. 2024 09 Mar. - 2024, Poster presentation
  • Sachiko Hayashida, Toward Reducing Rice Straw Burning to Improve Air Pollution, India- Japan Co-Benefits Knowledge Sharing Event, 06 Feb. 2024, 06 Feb. 2024 06 Feb. - 2024, Invited, English, Invited oral presentation
  • Yutaka Matsumi, Atmospheric environment study in India using a wide-area network of 30 low- cost compact sensors, India-Japan Co-Benefits Knowledge Sharing Event, 06 Feb. 2024, 06 Feb. 2024 06 Feb. - 2024, Invited, English, Invited oral presentation
  • 上田 佳代, 新興国における国際共同疫学研究の課題-インドにおける学際研究から-, 第34回日本疫学会学術総会, 01 Feb. 2024, 31 Jan. 2024 02 Feb. - 2024, Japanese, Invited oral presentation
  • 辻彩弥加; 山地一代; 林田佐智子; 梶野瑞王; Tanbir Singh; 松見豊; 中山智喜; 荒木晶; 安富奈津子; Prabir K. Patra; Aakashプロジェクトメンバー, デリー首都圏におけるPM2.5濃度上昇とインド北西部の稲藁焼きの関連性, 2023年度 大気環境学会近畿支部研究発表会, 26 Dec. 2023, Japanese, Oral presentation
  • Sachiko Hayashida, AAKASH Project An Interdisciplinary Study towards Clean Air, Public Health and Sustainable Agriculture:The Case of Crop Residue Burning in North India, International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific(ISAP2023) Parallel Session5 India's Efforts to Improve Air Pollution, Japan's Cooperation and Future Directions, 19 Dec. 2023, 19 Dec. 2023 19 Dec. - 2023, Invited, English, Invited oral presentation
  • P. K. Patra, Insight 4. New reasons for concern: the uncertain future contribution of land and ocean carbon sinks, 10NICS Japan Event, Nagasaki Univ./Online, 13 Dec. 2023, Invited, English, Invited oral presentation
  • Sachiko Hayashida, Scientific data related to air pollution in South Asia, International Symposium on Data Science(DSWS-2023) -Building an Open-Data Collaborative Network in the Asia-Oceania Area-, 12 Dec. 2023, 12 Dec. 2023 15 Dec. - 2023, Invited, Japanese, Invited oral presentation
  • Sachiko Hayashida, Toward Clean Air and Sustainable Agriculture in Punjab, International Conference on Recent Trends in Smart and Sustainable Agriculture for Food and Nutritional Security (SSAFNS-2023), 22 Nov. 2023, 22 Nov. 2023 23 Nov. - 2023, Invited, English, Invited oral presentation
  • inubushi kazuyuki, Smart and Sustainable Soil Management, Recent Advances in Smart and Sustainable Agriculture for Food and Nutritional Security-2023, 22 Nov. 2023, 22 Nov. 2023 23 Nov. - 2023, Invited, English, Keynote oral presentation
  • 六倉 理乃; 村松加奈子, Sentinel-2/MSIデータを用いたインド・パンジャーブ州における 野焼き跡地のモニタリング, 日本リモートセンシング学会 第75回(令和5年度秋季)学術講演会, 21 Nov. 2023, 21 Nov. 2023 22 Nov. - 2023
  • Matsumi, Y.; T. Nakayama; T. Singh; H. Araki; N. Yasutomi; S. Hayashida; M. Kajino; K. Yamaji; P.K. Patra; Aakash Project members, PM2.5, CO, O3, NOx の小型大気観測器の開発とインドでの稲わら焼き の広域の大気環境影響のネットワーク観測, JpSAC Annual Meeting 2023, 20 Nov. 2023, 20 Nov. 2023 23 Nov. - 2023, Japanese, Poster presentation
  • Nakayama, T.; Y. Matsumi; T. Singh; H. Araki; N. Yasutomi; S. Hayashida; M. Kajino; K. Yamaji; P.K. Patra; Aakash Project members, 小型センサによるガス・粒子のネットワーク観測によるインド北⻄部での稲わら焼き 起源 PM2.5の二次生成過程の解明, JpSAC Annual Meeting 2023, 20 Nov. 2023, 20 Nov. 2023 22 Nov. - 2023, Japanese, Oral presentation
  • Yamaji, K.; S. Hayashida; M. Kajino; T. Singh; Y. Matsumi; T. Nakayama; H. Araki; N. Yasutomi; P.K. Patra; Aakash Project members, インド北⻄部の藁焼きによる深刻な大気汚染状況のモデル解析, JpSAC Annual Meeting 2023, 20 Nov. 2023, 20 Nov. 2023 22 Nov. - 2023, Japanese, Poster presentation
  • Mangaraj, Poonam; Matsumi Yutaka; Takigawa Masayuki; Araki Hikaru; Yasutomi Natsuko; Nakayama Tomoki; Biswal, Akash; Hayashida Sachiko; Ueda Kayo; Patra, Prabir, Impact of stubble burning in northwest India on Delhi-NCR's air quality., 2023 iCACGP-IGAC ECR Conference, 17 Nov. 2023, 17 Nov. 2023 17 Nov. - 2023, English, Poster presentation
  • Kayo Ueda, インド北部の野焼きから考える大気環境・人の健康・SDGs, 第2回地球研・北大連携シンポジウム, 30 Oct. 2023, Invited, Japanese, Invited oral presentation
  • Inubushi, K; SAHARA, I; SUDO, S; Nishihara, E; Chandra, M; DIPTANU, B; PRASANN, K; GAURAV, S; KATO, T; OSHIMA, H; Hayashida, S; PRABIR, P, Sustainable soil and organic matter managements for reducing straw burning, greenhouse gas productions, and their influencing factors in Northwest India (Part 1), 134th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Tropical Agriculture, 14 Oct. 2023, 14 Oct. 2023 15 Oct. - 2023, English, Oral presentation
  • 佐藤孝宏; 浅田晴久; 村尾るみこ, 農業経営的側面からみたインド・パンジャーブの藁焼き問題, 第134回日本熱帯農業学会講演会, 14 Oct. 2023, Oral presentation
  • 浅田晴久; 村尾るみこ; 佐藤孝宏; Kamal Vatta, インド・パンジャーブ州における野焼きの地域的特性, 2023年日本地理学会秋季学術大会, 17 Sep. 2023, Oral presentation
  • Matsumi, Y., T. Nakayama, 多数のローコストな小型大気計測器を用いた広域ネットワーク観測に基づく粒子状物 質やオゾンの濃度分布や生成・輸送過程の解明と削減対策の推定, The 64th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment, 15 Sep. 2023, 13 Sep. 2023 15 Sep. - 2023, Invited, Japanese, Invited oral presentation
  • Inubushi, K; SAHARA, I; KATO, T; OSHIMA, H; SUDO, S; Nishihara, E; YASHIMA, M; Chandra, M; DIPTANU, B; PRASANN, K; GAURAV, S; Hayashida, S; PRABIR, P, Greenhouse gas productions, their influencing factors and sustainable soil and organic matter management in Northwest India (Part 1), Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 12 Sep. 2023, 12 Sep. 2023 14 Sep. - 2023, Japanese, Oral presentation
  • Prabir K. Patra, Co-benefits of reduction in regional emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants, AOGS2023, 20th Annual Meeting, 01 Aug. 2023, 30 Jul. 2023 04 Aug. - 2023, Invited, English, Keynote oral presentation
  • Kazuyo Yamaji; Tanbir Singh; Sachiko Hayashida; Natsuko Yasutomi; Hikaru Araki; Mizuo Kajino; Prabir K. Patra; Masayuki Takigawa; Yutaka Matsumi; Tomoki Nakayama; Aakash project science team, NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF THE HEAVILY AIR POLLUTIONS POST HARVEST OVER NORTH-WEST INDIA BY USING REGIONAL MODEL, CMAS-Asia-Pacific, 20 Jul. 2023, 19 Jul. 2023 21 Jul. - 2023, English, Oral presentation
  • Sachiko Hayashida, Aakash Project: An overview, International Conference on CMAS-Asia-Pacific, 19 Jul. 2023, 19 Jul. 2023 21 Jul. - 2023, Invited, English, Invited oral presentation
  • Prabir K. Patra, Tracking emissions and transport of hazardous particulate pollution over northwest India by a high-density in situ sensor network, CMAS-Asia-Pacific Conference, 19 Jul. 2023, Invited, English, Invited oral presentation
  • Yutaka Matsumi; Tomoki Nakayama; Tanbir Singh; Sachiko Hayashida; Prabir K. Patra; Natsuko Yasutomi; Pradeep Khatri; Mizuo Kajino; Masayuki Takigawa; Kazuyo Yamaji, Developments of compact in-situ atmospheric instruments for PM2.5, CO and O3 and their network observations, 2023 International Conference on CMAS-Asia-Pacific, 19 Jul. 2023, 19 Jul. 2023 21 Jul. - 2023, English, Oral presentation
  • 村尾るみこ; 浅田晴久; 佐藤孝宏; Patra Prabir; Kamal Vatta, 北西インド農村における社会経済変容と藁利用, 日本熱帯生態学会, 24 Jun. 2023, 24 Jun. 2023 25 Jun. - 2023, Oral presentation
  • Inubushi K, Sustainable Soil Management Focusing on Northwest India, 6th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN AGRICULTURE TECHNOLOGY AND ALLIED SCIENCES (ICAATAS 2023), 19 Jun. 2023, 19 Jun. 2023 21 Jun. - 2023, Invited, English, Invited oral presentation
  • Prabir K. Patra, Evolution of high pollution events in Delhi NCR, Haryana and Punjab during the monsoon to post-monsoon transition, Atmospheric Composition and the Asian Monsoon (ACAM), The 5th ACAM workshop, 08 Jun. 2023, 10 Jun. 2023, English, Oral presentation
  • Nakayama, T., エアロゾル光学特性の研究に関するトピックス紹介, 第2回エアロゾル学会若手会基礎講習会, 02 Jun. 2023, Invited, Japanese
  • 六倉理乃; 村松加奈子, Sentinel-2/MSIデータを用いたインド・パンジャーブ州における野焼き跡地抽出のための指標, 日本リモートセンシング学会 第74回(令和5年度春季)学術講演会, 02 Jun. 2023, 01 Jun. 2023 02 Jun. - 2023
  • Kazuyuki INUBUSHI, Sustainable Agriculture in India - From a Soil-scientific viewpoint, Aakash Project Workshop FY2022, 29 Mar. 2023, 28 Mar. 2023 29 Mar. - 2023, Invited, English, Invited oral presentation
  • Prabir K. Patra, Review of air pollution studies: background of the project and current targets, Aakash Project 2023 Workshop in Delhi, India Habitat Centre, 28 Mar. 2023, Invited, English, Invited oral presentation
  • K. Inubushi; I. Sahara; S. Sudo; E. Nishihara; M. Chandra; B. Diptanu; K. Prasann; S. Gaurav; M. Yashima; T. Kato; H. Oshima; S. Hayashida, Greenhouse gas productions, their influencing factors and sustainable soil and organic matter management in Northwest India (Preliminary report, Part 2), Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Soil Microbiology, 14 Mar. 2023, 13 Mar. 2023 14 Mar. - 2023, English, Oral presentation
  • Inubushi, K; SAHARA, I; SUDO, S; Nishihara, E; Chandra, M; DIPTANU, B; PRASANN, K; GAURAV, S; YASHIMA, M; KATO, T; OSHIMA, H; Hayashida, S, Greenhouse gas productions, their influencing factors and sustainable soil and organic matter management in rice-wheat cropping system in Northwest India, Hybrid International Symposium on Organic Rice Farming in East and Southeast Asian Countries: Techniques and Effects, HIS-ORF, 02 Mar. 2023, 02 Mar. 2023 04 Mar. - 2023, English, Oral presentation
  • Rumiko Murao, Haruhisa Asada, Takahiro Sato, Sachiko Hayashida, Kamal Vatta, The Rice Residue management in Northwestern India, NERPS conference 2023 in Thailand, 02 Mar. 2023, 28 Feb. 2023 03 Mar. - 2023
  • Sachiko Hayashida, Aakash Project Summary: Results and future scopes, the Aakash seminar at India-Japan Environmental Week, Delhi, India, 13 Jan. 2023, 12 Jan. 2023 13 Jan. - 2023, Invited, English, Public discourse
  • Shigeto Sudo, Negative emission technology for carbon dioxide in agricultural fields, the Aakash seinar at India-Japan Environmental Week, Delhi, India, 13 Jan. 2023, 12 Jan. 2023 13 Jan. - 2023, Invited, English, Public discourse
  • Kayo Ueda, Investigation of perception about air pollution and its health risks, the Aakash seminar at India-Japan Environmental Week, Delhi, India, 13 Jan. 2023, 12 Jan. 2023 13 Jan. - 2023, Invited, English, Public discourse
  • Kamal Vatta, Ex-situ management of Crop Reside in Punjab: Some Insights, the Aakash seminar at India-Japan Environmental Week, Delhi, India, 13 Jan. 2023, 12 Jan. 2023 13 Jan. - 2023, Invited, English, Public discourse
  • Pradeep Khatri, Tadahiro Hayasaka, Sachiko Hayashida and Prabir Kumar Patra, Post-monsoon crop residue burning activities over northern India: impacts on cloud and radiation fields, AGU Fall Meeting 2022, Chicago, IL & Online, United States, 14 Dec. 2022, 12 Dec. 2022 16 Dec. - 2022, English, Poster presentation
  • Mizuo Kajino; Joseph Ching; Kazuyo Yamaji; Rio Ishikawa and Sachiko Hayashida, Toward an Accurate Assessment of the Impacts of Crop Residue Burning on Air Quality in Northwestern India, AGU Fall Meeting 2022, Chicago, IL & Online, 14 Dec. 2022, 12 Dec. 2022 16 Dec. - 2022, Invited, English, Poster presentation
  • Yuki Kurogi; Sachiko Hayashida, Fire information of crop residue burning observed by satellite : long-term tendency and timing of burning in a day, The 73st (Autumn 2022) Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, Mie Center for the Arts, 29 Nov. 2022, 29 Nov. 2022 30 Nov. - 2022, Japanese, Oral presentation
  • Sachiko Hayashida, Aakash project: toward clear air over the world, Frontiers of Materials, Life & Earth Sciences and Beyond 13th Annual ISAJ Symposium, 18 Nov. 2022, 18 Nov. 2022 18 Nov. - 2022, Invited, English, Nominated symposium
  • Sachiko Hayashida, Project Aakash:An interdisciplinary study toward clean air, public health and sustainable agriculture, Air pollution in Delhi NCR and North India during winter: causes and remedies, 06 Oct. 2022, 06 Oct. 2022 06 Oct. - 2022, Invited, English, Nominated symposium
  • 浅田晴久; 佐藤孝宏; 村尾るみこ; 林田佐智子; Kamal Vatta, インド・パンジャーブ州における稲作残渣物焼却の地域性と要因, 日本南アジア学会第35会全国大会, 25 Sep. 2022, Oral presentation
  • 山地 一代; 林田 佐智子; 梶野 瑞王, インド北部の藁焼きがもたらす大気環境への影響評価, 第63回 大気環境学会年会, 15 Sep. 2022, 14 Sep. 2022 16 Sep. - 2022, Oral presentation
  • Akshansha Chauhan, Ramesh P. Singh, Yutaka Matsumi, Sachiko Hayashida, Tomoki Nakayama, Sharad Gupta, and Derrick P. Shukla, VARIABILITY OF THE PARTICULATE MATTER CONCENTRATION IN THE NORTHERN PARTS OF INDIA USING LOW-COST SENSORS, IGARSS(International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium) 2022, Kuala Lumpur, Malysia / Online, Malaysia, 19 Jul. 2022, 17 Jul. 2022 22 Jul. - 2022, English, Oral presentation
  • Sachiko Hayashida, Emission Estimation of Air Pollutants from Straw Burning: How can Satellites Capture Straw Burning, 14th Indo-Japanese Dialogue on Prospects of the Socio-Economic Development in the Post-Covid India, 18 Jun. 2022, 18 Jun. 2022 18 Jun. - 2022, Invited, English, Invited oral presentation
  • Kamal Vatta, Post-Covid Labour Shortage, Wages and Mitigation Strategies in Punjab Agriculture, 14th Indo-Japanese Dialogue on Prospects of the Socio-Economic Development in the Post-Covid India, India, 18 Jun. 2022, Invited, English, Invited oral presentation
  • 村尾るみこ; 浅田晴久; 佐藤孝宏; 林田佐智子; 須藤重人; Kamal Vatta, インド・パンジャーブ州における作物残渣物利用の可能性, 日本熱帯生態学会第32回大会, Jun. 2022
  • Makoto Kuji; Nanao Yamada, Aerosol characteristics over North India from satellite observation, JpGU2022, 31 May 2022
  • 黒木 由貴、林田 佐智子, Fire Information Observed by Satellite in North India, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, MAKUHARI Messe / Online, 31 May 2022, 22 May 2022 03 Jun. - 2022, Japanese, Poster presentation
  • Yutaka Matsumi, Tanbir Singh, Tomoki Nakayama, Sachiko Hayashida, Natsuko Yasutomi, Hikaru Araki, Kayo Ueda, Takayuki Yamasaki, Wataru Okamoto, Development of a compact, low-cost measurement device for air pollutants that can be deployed at multiple points in remote locations, to solve air pollutions from agricultural residue burning, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, MAKUHARI Messe / Online, 31 May 2022, 22 May 2022 03 Jun. - 2022, Japanese, Poster presentation
  • Pradeep Khatri, Effects of crop residue burning activities and meteorology on aerosol loadings over northwest India, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, MAKUHARI Messe / Online, 31 May 2022, 22 May 2022 03 Jun. - 2022, English, Poster presentation
  • Ardhi Adhary Arbain, Ryoichi Imasu, Prakhar Misra, Wataru Takeuchi, Detection of Crop Residual Burning Area Using Satellite Data and Estimation of PM2.5 Emissions from North India, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, MAKUHARI Messe / Online, 31 May 2022, 22 May 2022 03 Jun. - 2022, English, Poster presentation
  • Tanbir Singh, Khaiwal Ravindra, Suman Mor, Sachiko Hayashida, Quantifying atmospheric emissions from crop residue burning and their district wise distribution over agrarian states of North India, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, MAKUHARI Messe / Online, 23 May 2022, 22 May 2022 03 Jun. - 2022, English, Oral presentation
  • Sachiko Hayashida, Air Pollution and Health Effects of Agricultural Residue Burning and Pathways to Solutions, JpGU2022, 23 May 2022, Japanese, Oral presentation
  • INUBUSHI, K; SUDO, S; NISHIHARA, E; MURAO, R; CHANDRA, M; VATTA, K; HAYASHIDA, S, Mitigation Factors to Reduce Straw Burning and Greenhouse Gas Productions by Sustainable Soil Management in Northwest India, JpGU2022, 23 May 2022, 22 May 2022 03 Jun. - 2022, Invited, Japanese, Invited oral presentation
  • Tomoki Nakayama, Hideya Kinjo, Yutaka Matsumi, Harshita Pawar, Baerbel Sinha, Vinayak Sinha, Sachiko Hayashida, Study on relation of hygroscopicity of PM2.5 with agricultural residue burning based on observations using low-cost sensors at Chandigarh in northern India, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, MAKUHARI Messe / Online, 23 May 2022, 22 May 2022 03 Jun. - 2022, Japanese, Oral presentation
  • Mizuo Kajino; Joseph Ching; Kazuyo Yamaji; Rio Ishikawa; Sachiko Hayashid, Simulated impacts of agricultural residue burning on autumn air quality in northwestern India, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, 23 May 2022, 22 May 2022 03 Jun. - 2022, Oral presentation
  • Kazuyo Yamaji; Mizuo Kajino; Sachiko Hayashida; Takashi Yoda; Kansuke Sasaki; Moeko Saito; Arisu Kameda, Modeling analysis of impacts from Kharif crops residue burning on air quality over North India, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, 23 May 2022, 22 May 2022 03 Jun. - 2022, Oral presentation
  • K. Inubushi; S. Sudo; Nishihara; A. Asada; T. Sato; R. Murao, M; Takada; M. Chandra; K. Vatta; S. Hayashida, Greenhouse gas productions, their influencing factors and sustainable soil and organic matter management in Northwest India (Preliminary report), 131th Conference of Japanese Society of Tropical Agriculture, 16 Mar. 2022, 15 Mar. 2022 16 Mar. - 2022, English, Oral presentation
  • Inubushi, K; Sudo, S; Nishihara, E; Asada, A; Sato, T; Murao, R; Takada, M; Chandra, M; Vatta, K; Hayashida, S, Sustainable Soil and Organic Matter Managements in Northwest India, International Conference on Recent Trends in Smart & Sustainable Agriculture for Food Security: SSAFS-2022, 20 Jan. 2022, 20 Jan. 2022 21 Jan. - 2022, Invited, English, Keynote oral presentation
  • Sachiko Hayashida, An Interdisciplinary Study toward Clean Air, Public Health and Sustainable Agriculture: The Case of Crop Residue Burning in North India, International Workshop on Fires in South Asia: Current status and future challenges in monitoring, modeling, predictions and mitigation, 03 Dec. 2021, 03 Dec. 2021 04 Dec. - 2021, Invited, English, Invited oral presentation
  • Bahrami Zeinab; Yang Zhesi; Kazunari Onishi; Tomohiro Umemura; Kayo Ueda, Health risk perception and awareness of air pollution: scoping review, 第80回日本公衆衛生学会総会, Dec. 2021, 21 Dec. 2021 23 Dec. - 2021, English, Oral presentation
  • Yang Zhesi; 上田 佳代; 梅村 朋弘; 大西 一成, Face mask use under the COVID-19 pandemic for farmers in Punjab, India, 第80回日本公衆衛生学会総会, Dec. 2021, 21 Dec. 2021 23 Dec. - 2021
  • 于 琨; 村松 加奈子, Sentinel-2データを用いたインド・パンジャーブ州における野焼き箇所の抽出, (社)日本リモートセンシング学会 第71回(令和3年度秋季)学術講演会, 16 Nov. 2021, 15 Nov. 2021 16 Nov. - 2021
  • 黒木由貴; 林田佐智子, インドパンジャーブ地方における MODIS, VIIRSの⻑期傾向解析, 日本リモートセンシング学会第71回学術講演会, 15 Nov. 2021, 15 Nov. 2021 16 Nov. - 2021, Japanese, Poster presentation
  • 松見 豊,中山智喜,林田佐智子,上田佳代, 安富奈津子,荒木晶,山崎高幸,岡本 渉, 北インドにおける低コストで自動データ転送する 小型大気観測装置の30個の展開:Aakashプロジェクト, 第26回大気化学討論会, 09 Nov. 2021 11 Nov. - 2021, Japanese, Poster presentation
  • Ching, J.、 M. Kajino、 S. Hayashida, Examining air quality change during COVID-19 lockdown period in Delhi., 26th JpSAC Annual Meeting, 09 Nov. 2021 11 Nov. - 2021, English, Oral presentation
  • 松見 豊; 中山 智喜; 林田 佐智子; 上田 佳代; 安富 奈津子; 荒木 晶; 山崎 高幸; 岡本 渉; 高見 昭憲; 藤谷 雄二; 入江 仁士, 遠隔地で多点展開が可能な PM2.5、Ox、CO、NOx などの大気汚染物質の超小型でローコストな計測装置の開発, 第62回大気環境学会年会, 15 Sep. 2021, 15 Sep. 2021 17 Sep. - 2021, Japanese, Poster presentation
  • Yang Zhesi; Kayo Ueda; Tomohiro Umemura; Kazunari Ohnishi; Hiroaki Terasaki; Yutaka Matsumi; Tomoki Nakayama; Rumiko Murao; Haruhisa Asada; Takahiro Sato; Sachiko Hayashida, Public perception of air pollution and stubble burning—a cross-sectional survey study in Punjab, India, 第62回大気環境学会年会, 15 Sep. 2021, English, Oral presentation
  • Kazuyo Yamaji; Katsuhiro Kawamoto; Moe Tauchi; Yoko Iwamoto; Fumikazu Taketani; Masayuki Takigawa; Prabir K. Patra; Kazuhiko Matsumoto; Makio Honda; Yugo Kanaya; Takashi Sekiya; Maki Noguchi Aita; Tomoki Nakayama; Satoru Chatani; Yutaka Matsumi; Surendra K. Dhaka; Mizuo Kajino; Sachiko Hayashida, Model analysis of the atmospheric aerosol concentrations and depositions by ship-onboard observations over the Eastern Indian Ocean, IGAC 2021 Conference, Sep. 2021, Sep. 2021 Sep. - 2021, English, Oral presentation
  • Bahrami,Z.; Yang, Z.; Maiti, M.; Kanawat, P.; Ueda, K., Evaluating Factors Affecting General Population's Knowledge, Perception and Awareness of Health Effects of Air Pollution: Scoping review, The 43rd Symposium of The Association of Environmental & Sanitary Engineering Research, Online, 30 Jul. 2021, 30 Jul. 2021 31 Jul. - 2021, English, Oral presentation
  • Sachiko Hayashida, Remote Sensing in the era of “Anthropocene” Observation of atmospheric trace species emitted by human activities, International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS) 2021, 26 May 2021, 26 May 2021 28 May - 2021, Invited, English, Invited oral presentation
  • K. Yu; K. Muramatsu, Extraction conditions of paddy stubble burning in Punjab, India with Sentinel-2, 日本リモートセンシング学会 第70回(令和3年度春季)学術講演会, 17 May 2021, 18 May 2021, Oral presentation
  • Prakhar Misra, COVID-19 lockdown impacts on NOx emission: top-down estimation over North India, 29th IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", 12 Mar. 2021, 11 Mar. 2021 12 Mar. - 2021, English, Oral presentation
  • Sachiko Hayashida, Detection of air pollution reduction due to a change of anthropogenic activities after COVID-19 pandemic over south Asia, 29th IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", 12 Mar. 2021, 11 Mar. 2021 12 Mar. - 2021, English, Oral presentation
  • Tomoki Nakayama, Panel discussion for future collaboration on planetary health, Kickoff symposium NIES/NU/RIHN on planetary health, Online, 19 Feb. 2021, 18 Feb. 2021 19 Feb. - 2021, English, Nominated symposium
  • Sachiko Hayashida, A pathway of social transformation toward clean air, public health and sustainable agriculture - a case in North India., Kick-off Symposium NIES/NU/RIHN on Planetary Health, 18 Feb. 2021, 18 Feb. 2021 19 Feb. - 2021, Invited, Japanese, Nominated symposium
  • Tomoki Nakayama, Atmospheric environmental research using small PM2.5 and gas sensors in Nagasaki and developing countries, Kickoff symposium NIES/NU/RIHN on planetary health, Online, 18 Feb. 2021, 18 Feb. 2021 19 Feb. - 2021, Japanese, Oral presentation
  • Kaho Nitta; Sachiko Hayashida, Intercomparison of TROPOMI and OMI tropospheric NO2 over South Asia, The 69th Conference (2020 Autumn Conference) of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 22 Dec. 2020, 21 Dec. 2020 22 Dec. - 2020, Japanese, Oral presentation
  • Misra, P; M. Takigawa; P. Khatri; S. K. Dhaka; A. P. Dimri; K. Yamaji; M. Kajino; W. Takeuchi; R. Imasu; P. K. Patra; S. Hayashida, Detection of significant change in nitrogen oxides concentration and emission during COVID-19 lockdown in North India, AGU Fall Meeting 2020 (Online), 15 Dec. 2020, Dec. 2020 Dec. - 2020, English, Poster presentation
  • Nguyen, T. H; S. Hayashida; P. Misra; P. Khatri; Y. Matsumi; T. Nakayama; S. K. Dhaka; A. P. Dimri, Detection of Change in the Aerosol distribution over North-West India during the Covid-19 Lockdown period, AGU Fall Meeting 2020 (Online), 07 Dec. 2020, Dec. 2020 Dec. - 2020, English, Poster presentation
  • Hayashida, S; P. Misra; K. Nitta; T. H. Nguyen; P. K. Patra; M. Takigawa; P. Khatri; S. K. Dhaka; A. P. Dimri; K. Yamaji; M. Kajino; W. Takeuchi, Reduction of air pollutants over North-West India observed from space during the Covid-19 lockdown period, AGU fall meeting 2020, 07 Dec. 2020, Dec. 2020 Dec. - 2020, English, Poster presentation
  • Hayashida, S, “Aakash: An interdisciplinary study toward clean air, public health and sustainable agriculture: The case of crop residue burning in North India.” Earth Observations of Crop Burning and Air Pollution over India, A Community Response Forum, NASA, 12 Nov. 2020, Nov. 2020 Nov. - 2020, Invited, English, Invited oral presentation
  • 松見豊、林田佐智子, 中山智喜, 荒木晶, 上田佳代, Prabir Patra, 須藤重人及び総合地球環境学研究所Aakashプロジェクトの日本・インドのチームメンバー, 小型で安価な大気計測装置の開発とインド北部の稲藁燃焼が現地やデリーの大気質・健康へ及ぼす影響解明の計画, 第25回大気化学討論会, Online, 12 Nov. 2020, 11 Nov. 2020 13 Nov. - 2020, Japanese, Oral presentation
  • Pradeep Khatri, Facts learned from COVID-19 lockdown; which pollution sector is affected the most?, 5th International conference on mountains in the changing world, Kathmandu, Nepal, (Online), 08 Oct. 2020, 08 Oct. 2020 09 Oct. - 2020, Invited, English
  • Pradeep Khatri, Studies of aerosols, ozone, and clouds from sky radiometer: Algorithms and observation results, Aerosol air quality, climate change and impact on water resources and livelihoods in greater Himalayas, Naintal, India (Online), 14 Sep. 2020, 14 Sep. 2020 16 Sep. - 2020, Invited, English, Invited oral presentation
  • Sachiko Hayashida, Concept of mission DELHIS: why we want to estimate the anthropogenic emission of air pollutants in Delhi and how, Northern India Air Pollution Meeting, 23 Aug. 2020, 23 Aug. 2020 24 Aug. - 2020, Invited, English, Nominated symposium
  • Inubushi, K., Recent Rice Research and Future Climate Change, International Webinar on Advances in Rice Researches for Food Security and Environmental Sustainability, International Webinar on Advances in Rice Researches for Food Security and Environmental Sustainability, Online, 13 Aug. 2020, English

Academic Contribution

  • Aakash discussion meeting, Academic society etc, Aakash Project, 21 Mar. 2024, 22 Mar. 2024
  • Session:"Multi-effects and policy making", Competition etc, 2023 International Conference on CMAS-Asia-Pacific, 19 Jul. 2023, 21 Jul. 2023

Social Contribution

  • the Aakash seminar at India-Japan Environmental Week, 12 Jan. 2023, 13 Jan. 2023, Seminar
  • Soil perspective – Processes & mitigation, 国立環境研究所地球環境研究センター, Global NitrousOxide Budget 2020and our food system, GCP Tsukuba and NIES Public Forum, 29 Oct. 2020, Lecture
  • PM2.5で捉える地球環境問題, 中山智喜, 対馬グローカル大学, 03 Dec. 2020, Online

Media Coverage

  • COVID-19 Lockdown Reduced Atmospheric Nitrogen Oxide Levels in India, AZO CLEANTECH, 21 Jun. 2021, Internet
  • Separating natural and man-made pollutants in the air, FRIPBOARD, 20 Jun. 2021, Internet
  • インドの大気中窒素酸化物レベルの大幅な低下はロックダウンのせいだった~大気汚染物質が人為的活動由来かどうかを分別することが可能に, keizai, 19 Jun. 2021, Internet
  • Separating natural and man-made pollutants in the air,, 18 Jun. 2021, Internet
  • Separating natural and man-made pollutants in the air, EurekAlert!, 18 Jun. 2021, Internet
  • インドの大気中窒素酸化物レベルの大幅な低下はロックダウンのせいだった ~大気汚染物質が人為的活動由来かどうかを分別することが可能に~, 日本の研究.com, Jun. 2021, Internet
  • 地球研など、大都市圏の人為起源NOxを分離・評価, 環境展望台, 18 Jun. 2021, Internet
  • 地球研と東北大など、インドの大気中窒素酸化物レベルの大幅な低下はロックダウンのせいだったことを解明, 日本経済新聞, 18 Jun. 2021, Paper
  • GNDU to install portable ambient air quality sensor, The Tribune, Dec. 2020, Paper
  • Study tries to assess brick kilns' impact on air, Times of India, Dec. 2020, Paper
  • आरोप-प्रत्यारोप नहीं, वायु प्रदूषण पर सरकारों को मिलकर काम करने की ज़रूरत!, NEWSCLICK, 23 Oct. 2023, Internet
  • インド北西部のわら焼き由来PM2.5~日印キャンペーン観測で理解深まる, 環境展望台, 02 Oct. 2023, Internet
  • 総合地球環境学研など、小型センサで構築した高密度観測ネットワークによりインド北西部の大気汚染状況を定量化, 日本経済新聞, 02 Oct. 2023, Paper
  • Dense measurement network reveals high level of PM2.5 in Punjab due to crop residue burning, Sky news, 02 Oct. 2023, SCIENCE, Internet
  • Dense measurement network reveals high level of PM2.5 in Punjab due to crop residue burning,, 02 Oct. 2023, Internet
  • Dense measurement network links air pollution and common agricultural practice, NEWSLEAFLETS, 02 Oct. 2023, Climate & Environment, Internet
  • Dense measurement network links air pollution and common agricultural practice, ScienceDaily, 02 Oct. 2023, Science News, Internet
  • Dense measurement network reveals high level of PM2.5 in Punjab due to crop residue burning, PHYS.ORG, 02 Oct. 2023, Earth Sciences, Internet
  • Dense Network Discovers Elevated PM2.5 Levels in Punjab, MIRAGE, 02 Oct. 2023, Science, Internet
  • Lockdown slashed air pollution. Can we sustain the gains?, The Federal, Oct. 2020, Paper
  • Delhi air clean in lockdown but high pollution seen for few hours after dawn - JNU-DU study, The Print, Aug. 2020, Paper
  • Particle Errors: Quantifying the Effects of Simulation Mixing State on Aerosol Optical Properties, Department of Energy, Office of Science (Newswise), 29 Mar. 2023, Internet


  • Aakash Workshop Delhi 2023, 28 Mar. 2023, 29 Mar. 2023

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